Coming soon: Grampy's Tale of the Night-Stalker. Plus, another haunted tank. (Illustration: A Handful of Haunted Tanks with a 28mm figure and ~1/56 Model T for size comparison) ...
Coming soon: Grampy's Tale of the Night-Stalker. Plus, another haunted tank. (Illustration: A Handful of Haunted Tanks with a 28mm figure and ~1/56 Model T for size comparison) ...
Just goofing off between projects and games, starting with a couple Haunted Tanks. (Illustration: The 'Frits Driving a Mark II) I. Grampy's Tale: On the 'Frits My brother and I learn...
Very nice - I especially enjoyed seeing the creative "misuse" of those demon shields: they make excellent armor like that, and that armored critter is, I think, the star of this show! W...
Agreed - Tootie makes a fine unofficial mascot for Wargames Atlantic! I was laughing all day the other day about the one where Tootie was talking about how his quiver magically sticks to his hip l...
For what it's worth, the arms themselves are probably easy to source from this and other kits. What might sound tricky could be the stuff that gun crews would hold in their arms and hands! ...
I've never done so myself, but I think I've seen someone suggest using these guys for pulp gaming before, and it' sounds great to me. I can't help noticing that the Digital catalogue is loaded wit...
I'm not sure if they decided to go through with the Damned Power Armor - they were mentioned in GameFound Update #52 as one possibility for an alternative to the Damned "Terrae Motus" vehicle, whic...
Weird, I had gotten a handful of bodies in officer uniforms at about the same time I'd gotten a batch of Iron Core sets years ago, if they didn't come with the Iron Core stuff, I don't know where t...
I'd love to see more generic sci-fi kits. Not sure if you've heard of it yet, but I believe that a wargame or RPG themed on the "Expanse" TV show successfully crowd-funded a couple months ago...
This might help: I'm not familiar with Zone Patrol, but that's a nice use of Cannon Fodder figures! I wonder what the vehicle was? it works perfectly with these guys!
@Brian Van De Walker - A lot is going to depend on where you date the end of the era of "Imperial Conquests", and, as always, a lot also depends on how sensitive you and your gaming group are to we...
Sadly there really doesn't seem to be much out there in plastic for a low budget - I wanted to find something to build into a Haunted Tank for "The Last War", which as a fantasy/sci-fi setting leav...
I think you've got most of it there - this era overlaps the Napoleonic era on the earlier end, and WWI on the later end, and you can surely find a use for at least some of the more flexible Napoleo...
There was a recent contest/challenge to make a wargame out of a limited set of miniatures, and it seems to me that the Conquistadors would have been a great set to do this with - split of box of th...
The conquistador and aztec sets are excellent, but zooming out a bit on the Age of Discovery, there were more European nations exploring the world in that broad time span than just Spain, and the a...
The frame that @Hudson Adams posted looks perfect to me. There's stuff on it that I don't see myself using anytime soon, for sure - but I don't see that as a problem, there's something for everyon...
I honestly don't see where room on the sprues will even be a problem, unless WA is going to be using going back to the smaller-sized sprues like those from their earlier sets or something: th...
I think the kit is great - keep the WWI heads for sure, a box of these zombies should be an instant add-on for anyone interested in the "Last War" boxed set! I think the hardest heads to make a ca...
Did you ever find the theme you were looking for? If not, I kind of like @Big Boi 's underground fantasy idea, and I kind of like the post-apocalyptic thing... maybe you've got a skirmish/warband ...
For those curious about the Bandai Gundam snap-together mecha model kits, my usual online hobby shop is carrying some for as little as US $10 or less right now - these kits seem like an incredible ...
Good calls! The robot would be very easy to scratch-build around some of those wheels - I've done it before with only a little more material than that to work with (there's something very sim...
This 1/72 scale "WWII Ground Vehicle Set" by Academy Plastics was about US 12 so I picked a couple up for parts: Technically too msall for 28mm figures, I figured there might still be some usefu...
I can't recall whether I already posted this here, but that does remind me a little of these imaginative weapons prototypes from Ghana, which honestly aren't any crazier than the usual fare for sci...
Thread necromancy - rise, rise from the grave! It's been a copule years since I started on it, then shelved it for a while, but I dug out my box of souped-up Doom/Quake stuff and gave a few ...
Painting: If you're very new to painting miniatures, I'll suggest checking out Reaper Miniatures' "Learn to Paint" kits - I don't work for Reaper or get anything from that company, but Reaper is a...
Welcome aboard! I think a lot of the active threads fall into a broad "wish list" category of things that regular customers would like to see, which can be fun to check out just for the imaginativ...
@Charles Tottington - if you haven't seen them already, the video and guidelines in the news article posted on the main site helps a lot with clarifying the limits and providing an example: (...
Depends on the sprue real-estate they choose to work in - the Conquistadors and WWII Italians had a lot more breathing room than the Afghans or Boxers. Yes, head options, asbolutely, and I ca...
I kinda agree: I tend to prefer my sci-fi a bit darker-and-grittier than this set runs toward, even when I'm in the mood for something flavored in mid-20th century space opera kitsch. But, t...
YES. In the name of all that is abominable and eldritch, I command this thread to arise, and walk the earth once more! That also sounds like a great set for SWAT, special ops, corporate secu...
Fair enough - there's a lot of wriggle-room for sleeves at this scale and you can get pretty far on something generic, but hazmat suit sleeves - like the sleeves for the Boxers and Afghans - are ki...
Glad you're enjoying those conversions, they're a lot of fun for me to make! I'm slowly making progress on painting starting this last couple weeks, breaking out some Rust-oleum Camouflage ra...
I kinda like the suggestion for bandits wearing the familiar Robin Hood style costumes, even if it might be more appropriate as a "Classic Fantasy" set or possibly niche enough for only a Digital r...
American Civil War would be my first instinct here, but then the Uniforms in art for the Boxer and Spanish-American conflicts look more like products of the 20th century... might be because the ico...
Great choices! There are bound to be small anachronisms here and there if used outside of WWI, but those campaign hats could come in handy for placing those doughboys in other conflicts aroun...
Yeah, and in some ways, this kit kind of feels like we're not getting the full sprue it deserves. I'd have to compare it to some of the newer kits by WA to see if it really is smaller, but it...
I like the Dead Man's Hand sets for what they are, but they really do have a chunky, doughy look to them, and are a bit short compared to WA's figures, I think - Dead Man's Hand figures compare clo...
The treaded box-on-wheels is a classic! I considered making some of my own from small-scale model tanks (I was guessing 1/144 might work, but never got around to taking a chance on one), but ...
Thanks! Fireforge it is - I definitely chucked the box and stripped the sprues for parts as soon as I got it, then promptly forgot who made the set! Fireforge's Mongols are a grea...
I'm certainly no expert, but what I've seen of most of the standard-issue fantasy fare - including dwarves and elves - is that they all seem likely to have started their folkloric careers as the st...
Exactly - cyborgs are a natural adjunct to the android/robot concept. Even something as simple as including among the robot heads some half-organic heads with enhanced eyepieces or whatever c...
Great idea! You might find some of Reaper's older "Bones" plastic minis useful for this purpose: the older plastic Bones figures are generally pretty inexpensive in Reaper's online stor...
By the way, I can't resist adding that I REALLY appeciate that gas masks and rifles of different types were included in this set, when it would have been extremely easy for WA to have simply made i...
I don't have any inside information, and I'm going to guess that you're referring tot he figure on the far right of this picture: I don't think the part was included in the final set - none of t...
Well, I've got a LOT of painting ahead of me, NOTHING is done except forone vehicle which is about 90% painted, and i haven't completely assembled most of these vehicles yet, so there's a couple ve...
I don't know about anyone else, but Wargames Atlantic lizard men with batteries of those old medieval Chinese-style rockets seem to me to go together perfectly. Some handguns to go with the long f...
Robots and androids seem to me like a sorely under-served topic in these sorts of hard plastic kits, I'd definitely get behind seeing more of them! There are a few bits and bobs that I know of out...
I'm loving the airship gunner idea! I'd probably be happy enough with simply the guns and crews to buy the kits eventually, but filling out the sprues with accessories, command and support charact...
There are some gas mask heads with helms from ghe WWI German set, and the gas mask heads without helmets/caps from the WWI Russians, which would make excellent "generic" Death Fields heads of this ...
I think I prefer 1/48, I've seen complaints about it being "too big", but I've only noticed a problem in one or two 1/48 kits that seem to have been scaled weirdly - for example, (that Tamiya 1/48 ...