@Brian Van De Walker The difference would only be in the price per figure givent that the army builder is $34.95 for 48 bodies. That and i am not a big fan of Gripping beast. :)
@Brian Van De Walker The difference would only be in the price per figure givent that the army builder is $34.95 for 48 bodies. That and i am not a big fan of Gripping beast. :)
Some pistoliers with the Renn hevy cav kit.
I know this would be more "fantasy" but the bodies could be painted to look like poor, unarmored troops.
I know this is an old thread but there doesnt seem to be much movemnt in this section of the boards. I am thinking about getting the daark ages army buider set and using those bodies to soak up the...
Also, I posted this on Facebook, but the Conquistadors and roman citizens kitbash nicely.
Hey everyone. Its been a while since I have been on these forumns. I wanted to say that I am not a huge victorian fan either, but I would bet they would sell well. As far as reaper minis... ...
@JTam I was in for the All the Blackhearts but dropped out. The campaign was pretty slow and my attention span is that of a squirrel... but also CMON starts the New Zombicide Fantasy set, White Dea...
@Axel Schudak I am primarily looking to use these in fantasy games, so historical accuracy is not super imporatant to me. But... I hope they do makle the set as accurate as possible so that th...
A new pic. They look good. Hope they decided to keep the doggo.
Dissapointed, It wasnt the greatest show ever, but for what it was it was good. And they set it up for at least 2 more seasons... that will now never be.
This is live and funded. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/darkmaenad/dark-maenad-empires-of-the-old-world?ref=user_menu I am in for the Blackheart Greatswords but may be in for the other 2 Bla...
@Geoff Maybury yeah, I miss my Bella and Bimo. Zoey is an old gal and definitely much more clingy in her old age (pug 16).
@JTam there are. The batalion level comes with them. I think they were released in a previous campaign.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ttcombatundead/gnolls-and-fantasy-friends/description Saw this. Lots of stuff, Ogres, dwarves, desert elves, desert humans, Halflings, Orcs, Gnolls, etc... But...
Ok, Here is an Ogre with a dark elf executioner, a GW greatsword, a WA halfling, a WA conquistador, an Othmark soldier with WA conquistador head and gun, and a malifaux lady used as a dark elf samu...
@Geoff Maybury Everytime I think about ordering from Onlygames I see a post from you that stops me. :) I hope they get better at this, or that WA finds someone better. Edit: Though personall...
A group of locusts is called a "Plague". I think that would be fitting for the Harvesters
@JTam I also have Escher, If you were thinking of using these in Necromunda.
@JTam I posted these last week. I can take some more pics tomorrow. I have GW Dark elves, Nemarti, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Firstborn Marines, Chaos (warhammer and 40K) and Slaanesh AoS. Did you have any...
I purchsed the 5 box deal. Pictured below is 3 boxes. There is also a 3D printed Ogre captain and 2 GW ogor cat-beast riders. So Far: * Ogre Captain with bodyguard * 2 Catbeast riders * 1...
Got my ogres. Put one together on break... :) They are a little smaller than I would have liked but still nice.
@Grumpy Gnome @JTam I enjoyed the Willow series... Though its very much aimed at today's young in its message and chosen style... which was a bit off-putting for an old guy like me when I started ...
as far as female samurai. People requested them but they never really commented or would say "maybe later".
@Brendan Flynn they have Oda. I think he was the first or second they showed.
Yeah as mentioned, I haven't washed any hips plastic. I would only use superglue if there is resin or metal or non hips plastic. For hips stuff I use this:
@Mark Dewis the Kickstarter idea is a good one. I would definitely support that. I will reserve full judgement in the voting until we have actually seen it in play.
@JTam yes. Still being worked on. No idea of the stage. Votes equal front loaded at 1000 votes. But without knowing where a set is at production then voting on it doesn't have a lot of p...
@Mark Dewis Sure, ok, but that means that below 1000 there are no assurances. So until a set reaches 1000 votes... then it doesnt mean anything unless WA decides it does. Which means that WA could&...
@Lord Marcus so. To be clear. Are you confirming that sets with votes are put in priority of production based on how many votes they have regardless on if they reached 1000 votes? So a set tha...
@Mark Dewis It doesnt actually say that though. It says "when a set reaches 1000 votes it will move ahead in the production queue". Nothing says that sets with more votes will get a higher priority...
I guess my biggest question with this is that are these no longer in the standard developement? And if they are... by the time a set reaches 1000 votes wouldnt it alreay be ready for release? I mea...
I got this message from a vendor on eBay. "I am afraid that due to a cyber attack last week Royal Mail are still not currently accepting international parcels for delivery. I am following up...
Well... nothing really happens until a set gets 1000 votes right? So $5000 gets a set put at the top of the list. Napoleanic spanish has 30 votes. So essentially someone preordered a 5 box deal...&...
@JTam No... my halfling project kind of fell to the wayside... I will probably revisit him when hafling cavalry comes out.
@Grumpy Gnome In hand, the priests arms look a little too long for his body, I didnt notice the hands until you said but yeah they look large. Will see how the rest turn out. Base-wise... I am und...
@Caratacus I have the boxed set plus the militia, soldiers and pirates of legend sets in hand. All I have assembled is a single priest (he was a stretch goal). He assembled well, and the set includ...
@Mark Dewis are the female partisans on the release schedule. If not and they only come out as digital, then I would count it as such. Even if we get a "we may do these in plastic". I remember...
@Mark Dewis I dont disagree. My point was more along with @Grumpy Gnome 's in that it can be perceived that way. Some dont Facrbook... i do... but for those that dont and come to the manufacturer's...
Dad Joke: We havent gotten any plastic news since last year!!! ;)
@Mark Dewis Thats true... but... If we look at the news and articles... of the last 12, only 1 had anything to do with plastics and that was on 12/2... and was in regards to a sale on the horses.. ...
@Caratacus the problem with that shieldwall though is you can only acheive it to that level if you dont put them on a base, and just leave them on the surfboard puddle bases. It hadnt occure...
@Vitor Soares how many female torsos and heads do you get in a box?
Are the Japanese peasants and/or the camp followers going to be offered through the print partner? I like/want both of those sets.
Pledge manager opened for this. The shipping is just about double what was quoted (the 8 box level was quoted at 27 euro and I was charged 55 euro (after a 10 euro refund) . But Still excited for i...
Ehh, some dragons like gold... some like frisbees. The Japanese civvies... that is a set I would have bought... Are torsos 3 and 4 female? I cant tell from the pic resolution. ...
@Lord Marcus aww nuts... thought I smelled a loop hole. :)