eh.. i liek the Angus McBride style underbite orcs from the cover art of the grand battle figures. those would be good in 28mm. but no reason why you couldn't do pig faced orcs as part of the varia...
eh.. i liek the Angus McBride style underbite orcs from the cover art of the grand battle figures. those would be good in 28mm. but no reason why you couldn't do pig faced orcs as part of the varia...
personally i'm assuming only 1 per box until i hear otherwise. given the shapes involved i'd guess that each tank would probably be at least two full sprues each, and we've seen they'll do 2 full s...
Googling the term, I find 兵法 (Heihō) or "art of war". More literally "war system" So I'd guess it's a game for the grand battle scale samurai armies. Perhaps with two each of the ashigaru, samurai...
@Hudson Adams thanks for the clarification.. that actually answers a question i've seen on other forums and social media about what those dates in the weekly updates mean.
Status update from the most recent weekly email: Coftyran Command (Box Design)Crusader Command (Box Design)Crusader Specialists (March 19)Coftyran Specialists (March 24)Western Arnyaran Infantry (...
i've been trying to keep things updated here: the next few products are command, specialists...
with that pic of the 1/72 tank model next to the cannongfodder trooper, i'm wondering if you couldn't convert the 1/72 tank into something for Quar.. they're short, up to about chest high on a huma...
so the dark ages shield sprue is out, and from recent email newsletters, a late roman sprue is in the works. can i make suggestion for the next one? Aztec and non-metal conquistador shields. draw...
the latest friday newsletter had "Weird War One Conversions Parts (Box Printing)" in its list of incoming product, so hopefully this means that they'll be making a box with several of those sprues ...
from the recent friday email, in the "Upcoming Pre-Orders!" sectionL: Coftyran Command (T1 March 2) Crusader Specialists (Tooling) Coftyran Specialists (Layout) Crusader Command (File Prep) ...
we now have a preview of the Coftyr command Sprue
other tractors have been released as STLs on Josh Qualtieri's myminisfactory page, most recently being the Coftyran Paerydyn heavy tractor. once released they'll eventually make their way to the zo...
that is your choice, obviously. but please understand. we are his victims as well. the majority of us did not vote for him. the majority of us do not support him. we are just as worried about it as...
one thing that might be interesting would be a WW1 fire support team with a Canon d'Infanterie de 37 modèle 1916 TR, [additional link] a man portable '1 pounder' light artillery weapon used ...
when i posted this the Fidwog command stuff hadn't been mentioned yet. though it was anticipated given previous trends.
iirc one of the emails had a teaser of a new grognard sculpt, which at the time had been speculated to be some sort of heavier trooper kit or something..
so with the Friday email for 1/10/2025, we got thisl ittle update: so it looks like a Quar invasion is coming. that's command and specialists for both of the existing armies, plus light ...
i haven't seen pics of those.
You need to fix your pictures, I'm afraid. This forum's software doesnt recognize the html tags.
@Charles Tottington steampunk has a lot of variation, so it's mostly about deciding what elements you want to adopt. personally, if i was going steampunk, i'd draw on the Girl Genius comic, (comic...
@Brian Van De Walker yeah.. the Apache and Comanche, while they did clash with the spanish at times, mostly are known for being opponents of the American westward colonialism in the 1800's. also u...
@Brian Van De Walker this. of course, those old sets had far less customization per box. and my original post was done before we'd seen the sprue and see just how many build options WGA had cramemd...
@Drangir yeah, the intent of my question was for Historicals, not Death Fields. while i get this is a DF thread, a historicals winged lancers set would be in fairly decent demand if done in plastic...
how much of the polish hussar equipment has commonality with the incoming Renaissance cavalry sets? could a hsitorical version be done as a upgrade sprue?
so i decided to make a visual aid for my "reduce the number of each head type, and fit more bodies" proposal.. as you can see, there is still a lot of heads on the sprue, but you get mor...
looking at that, i forsee a lot of people complaining that they have way too many redundant heads, and not enough bodies. especialyl since i highly doubt that many people are going to want to have ...
well i was figuring that if you can cut a few of the heads, you could up the bodies and arms to 8 per sprue. most people when they buy a box of plastic zombies, they expect *bulk* numbers rather th...
and honestly, there is nothing keeping them from taking any heads they didn't use in the box, and sticking them on an upgrade half-sprue of just heads. (and maybe a few more arm varieties, like say...
I second the call that the modern hats might best be left off and made an STL.. right now that is a lot of heads, and they'll take up most of the sprue. enough so that i can already forsee a lot of...
each sprue looks to have:3 standard rifles2 antimaterial rifles1 flamer1 grenade launcher1 sword1 pistolwhich means for a 4 sprue, 12 figure box, you could build some combination of up to the follo...
@Brian Van De Walker yeah, plus the fact that gladiator matches used very specific loadouts of armor and weapons, and usually paired specific loadouts agaisnt each other, makes it really hard to do...
@Dennis Hilton what's obvious about it? 10mm is pretty much a standard size. (just a quick google shows such long standing metal minis makers like Old Glory, pendraken, ESR, etc..) but the only 12-...
@Hudson Adams so only 12 figures per box? Must have a lot of customization.
Wonder how many bodies per sprue, and how many per box.
i figured since the sculpts were updated and all new sprues being made, a few extra arms might have been snuck on over and above the normal guns for the trooper types. a pistol and a sword would le...
i'd hope at least a few of the melee options on the sprue. even if not a main part, enough game systems give squad and unit commanders pistol+melee loadouts that i'd expect at least one set to the ...
@Brian Van De Walker actually i was referring to the statements by the studio and producers made about the show when it was released. it was to be "the 21st century Gundam", an updated and reimagin...
i wonder if the sneak peek in the latest email update is part of the cannon fodder heavy weapons? though aesthetically it could be something for the ooh Rah too i guess.
the Zaku Warrior is from the Gundam Seed series, and yep it's one of the badguy mecha. one of their cannonfodder designs. the Seed series was a sort of 'reinvisioning' of the classic Gundam setting...
@Brian Van De Walker for those of us who don't play bolt action, roughly what size does that work out to usually? in terms of things like model count. @Tom Kennish current GW space marines...
aside from the retro-scifi weapons, you could get fairly close by putting cannonfodder spacesuit heads onto the Eisenkern armors.
honestly lore rewrite would be easiest i think. perhaps have the portals not be tied to specific systems, but rather be more general purpose FTL hubs? then if you want to invade another country's c...
i'll have to remember that kit. those kettenrad-drones look a bit like the early MALP drones from Stargate, and the two types of jeep look like they could be made into version of the later MALP (th...
what was the third kit that got unlocked? it started with the basic american infantry, and then unlocked the robot-suits (which i can see a lot of 40K and OPR players grabbing to use as Ogryn) &nb...
you might be able to use the chassis as more robots, cutting down some of the more noticeable parts and using plasticard to make some superstructure. perhaps some cargo bots like this: (which could...
yeah, i never expect realism from alt-history projects like this. especially when weird science is invovled. and i'm willing to stretch verismilitude a fair bit. (the WW2 aesthetics as you say are ...
with the unlocking of the power armor plastic set i find myself wishing i had budget for this. sadly i won't get a paycheck for another month and probably won't have any free budget until at least ...
with resin, you always want to wash the miniatures. just dish soap and water, with a bit of a light scrub with a toothbrush will suffice really. if it is cast resin, it'll have mould release agent ...
@Steffen Seitter in the same vein, the sasanid persians could double as 'easterlings'
@Brian Van De Walker pretty much. the foot Serjeants would easily cover the ones that were soldiers before, while the Levy is pretty much what civilian bandits and outlaws would be dressed and equi...