" One Jerry can is all I need."

  • I started with a real mix of scales, when my first really modern R.P.G. came out,it was. Twilight 2000. God over the years, we used 1/72, 1/ 87, 1/48. 1/200th.  Guess what 8 people buying, and we didn`t get an Hummer for years. Roco minitanks were the best and at 1/87th scale they were small but delicate. However most things figure wise could be obtained. It`s just been re=released, the game, and guess what, still no "plastic Hummer"  in 1/56th scale. Though I know live in hope of Rubicon doing one some time. The Zombizide game, gave a new size of figures, Stargate, Hero clic,  Starwars, Star Treck, Doctor Who, Runequest,  more different sizes. Finally Aliens, AvP, and Aliens. Aliens I started with Leading Edge, right through to the new two. From 1/72nd scale to well "no scale", just slim proportional figures, with nice weapons. In jully i got out my collections of buildings, vehicles, dropships, scenery, figures, etc and attempted to make one  jerry can fit all. All i wanted was to scatch build one size of buildings that i could mix in play, not one size for nearly every game that I owned. My solution as been radical some would say why, I sold and parted with around 90% of my gaming materials. Now i`m starting again, Marks Iron Core with new Shadowkesh will make some of my Si/F, plus new ranges from WA. Fantasy WA of course with my dinos and afew others. Modern ,Rubicon Nam, and WA`s new moderns. I might have parted with a lot but  now I only need one jerry can not seven. Cheers all Happy new year.        

  • I know exactly what you mean - back in the day, I used to have a large collection of 1/144, 1/72, and 1/48 stuff, in addition to some 2" figures, and 25mm-28mm stuff, and kind of mixed-and-matched it as much as I could.  What else could you do?

    We're in a sort of golden age of 15mm and especially 28mm gaming figures and scatter terrain/dungeon-dressing, at least:  pretty much every scenic/scatter/furniture model you could imagine for fantasy gaming is available in plastic, there's a bewildering variety of new metal figures in almost any genre you can imagine out there as well as almost 40 years of older metal minis still making the rounds on auction sites, along with an excellent selection of plastic fantasy miniatures, and a respectable selection of sci-fi and modern gaming scenery and miniatures as well, with the plastic items available either in complete stand-alone sculpts (Wizkids, Reaper, etc.), or a growing new variety of plastic multi-part wargaming kits like Wargames Atlantic's!  The variety of multi-part plastic historical wargaming figures is growing by leaps and bounds as well, with WA really doing amazing work on expanding beyond a few common eras (beyond the fairly inevitable WWII, Dark Ages, Roman, Zulu, ACW, and occasional Napoleonic figures supplied by most companies....)  Even cavalry are finally starting to get some attention!

    With 28mm figures and scatter terrain getting lots of much-needed love, I think that the biggest remaining challenge for gamers has been finding compatible vehicles, and larger terrain options (beyond the handful of generic house and barn kits out there, a few pillboxes or bunkers, and the occasional castle.)

    Vehicles in particular seem to be the biggest challenge - outside of Warhammer 40K's expensive (and cartoonish) vehicles, the occaional specialty WWII tank and truck manufacturer, generic wooden carts and wagons, a few artillery kits, the rare chariot or motorcycle, and a couple of sailing ships, I don't think I've  seen too many vehicle options out there in any genre!

    Anyway, I'm more than happy to be trading out much of my old gaming stuff, to try to concentrate on 28mm stuff, and hopefully downsize my miniature collection a little to some of the more versatile and useful core items, and a few favorites, outside of my favorite genre(s), which will probably end up being a selection of pulp adventure/sci-fi/horror minis, with a curated and streamlined collection of fantasy items.  (It might seem a bit strange to sell off a ton of minis, tomake room for new minis, but I was kind of floored by how much people were willing to bid on some of my old 2" toy miniatures, spare 28mm minis, spare metal stuff, old game parts, and so on, and I have beenable to mostly move away from my old grab-everything-that-might-remotely-work madness, to somethinga little more focused!)

    Happy New Year, and good luck!

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