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Up Close: The Damned Infantry

Up Close: The Damned Infantry

The first of a series of posts highlighting what's been done already to make these new plastic sets a reality. Rob Macfarlane who also sculpted the Dark Age Irish, Einherjar, Late Romans and Goths, Conquistadors and Aztecs, and the Landsknecht Ogres has been hard at work on these new sets for The Damned. 

Today we're taking a closer look at the parts for The Damned Infantry frame. This first image are all the unique parts that have been done so far (i.e. these are not the final frame inclusions) We'll also be taking feedback before and during (and after!) the campaign as we work toward a final frame layout. One thing that will definitely be coming is more head options! 

Next up are some of the combinations that can be assembled from these parts: 

Keep in mind these are work-in-progress, the final frame inclusions have not been locked down, and that parts from the other 7 frames (well maybe not the Brutes!) can be mixed and matched with all of these too. 

We'll be back in a couple days with the next preview! 


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Alfonso - May 11, 2023

I understand that these are WIP but I hope to see different different faces on the bare heads . I love the special weapons a lot very similar to something you might see in the 39th and a half century but just different enough to be it’s own thing. I can’t wait to see the heavy weapons teams and maybe a transport vehicle 🤔😝
I always thought that GW really dropped the ball after the release of the Ghaunt’s Ghosts novel that they never made a Caos Guard army like the Blood Pack .
I’m glad to see that Wargames Atlantic is making this line and what I have seen so far I am digging it the most!

Ethan Whitmore - May 11, 2023

I’m liking what I see! Good job!

Chris - May 11, 2023

Looking lovely so far, love the gas mask heads especially!
If you’re up for taking suggestions I got a few.
-Loose hands-free weapons for posing on model’s backs or off-hands.
-A couple more melee weapons, anything from brutal bludgeons made from scrap to light but deadly trench knives. Being able to build full shooting and full melee squads would be great and very thematic!
-Shooting variation for the sniper rifle? In general more shooting pose special weapon variants would be nice!
-A loose flamer tank for attaching as ammo. I found I was missing those in the Spacenam kit and had to crudely cut my own out of existing flamers.

Francesco - May 11, 2023

Really looking forward for these. I Hope there Will be more body poses, as these seem all too similar, also a kneeling pose would give more variety to a whole unit.

For me the makeshift gasmasks heads Will be the best choice.

Gunner - May 10, 2023


Maximus Bob - May 10, 2023

That is a great start! I am looking forward to seeing all the combinations you can create using the kneeling poses in the hw teams and arms from the rough riders.

Drangir - May 10, 2023

I really like the weapons between ranges are really close, especially visible in plasma launchers – very similar to Einharjar guns. I like the poses, vary enough, though the examples on the sheet looks little samey – probably only because they are side by side. I like the option to put all guys from frame in masks, but the faces looks pretty good too!
I really like AK-lasgun, the “commander” or officer poses look promising too.

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