Next for Samurai range

  • Rob is hard at work on a Command frame for the Samurai. What would you like to be included?

  • Takio Drums, Canvas wall, Famous commanders and Daimyo (had unique armor and helmets) with one or more of them setting, severed head display, lots of banners/flags,

    If you want to add baggage beyond rice barrels and ammo crates, I would add a small line of enslaved peasants (from the other side) being dragged off to build castles till they die or to be sold to Portuguese.  

  • What is a realistic release date for the command frame and please put some sashimono and banners in it

  • @Paul Evans we won't announce a date until the frame is in tooling or thereabouts. Not long though.

  • I would say:

    • Unit Command (Leader, Bannerbearer, Musician)
    • Daimyos
    • Named Characters like Oda Nobunaga and Co
    • Retainers and Servants
    • Ninjas
    • Western and Chinese Advisers
    • Tent Walls for Command Posts and Sitting Officers.

  • Some more cav unless you are doing a cav sprue

  • Other nice Sets would be;

    • Late Sengoku Period Samurai with Westernized Equipment (Cuirass, Western Muskets ect.)
    • Ikko Ikki
    • Siege Weapons

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