Augustinian Imperial RomansProto Auxillary in Native FashionIntroduction of the Lorica SegmentataForehead Protection on every HelmetMostly Bronze HelmetsMix of Montefortino, Hagenau/Coo...
Augustinian Imperial RomansProto Auxillary in Native FashionIntroduction of the Lorica SegmentataForehead Protection on every HelmetMostly Bronze HelmetsMix of Montefortino, Hagenau/Coo...
If you ever bring Imperial Romans in Grand Battle Scale, it would be nice, if you could bring different Sets for the Sub-Eras; Augustinian Imperial Romans Claudian Imperial Romans Trajan Imper...
Grand Battle Eastern Germanic Goths and Vandals and Late Romans of the Late Antiquity could work with that Orcs Fantasy Army. For Tolkienian Fantasy, Late Germans could represend Rohan and Dunland...
The oldest depiction on classic "Dwarfs" is in the middle Period Medieval Poem Nibelungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs) which is from christian Germany. In the NIbelungen, Dwarfs are depicted as smal...
From the Germanic Mythology commonly, we actual have very few and authentic Sources, which are pre-christian; Western Germanic or Norse/Northern Germanic alike. For the Continental (Western) Germa...
I wonder how popular a Late Antiquity Range for the "Grand Battle Scale" would be? Sets could be; Late Roman Infantry in armour (Mail and Scale mixed, with unarmoured Skimishers included)Late R...
Your're right, the Manchu came to Power in 1644, while the Sengoku Period ended in 1603. Technical, the Early Green Banner forces of the Manchu are identical to late Ming Armies.
Hello there, how about a Range that represents Western European Armies of the late 17th and, early 18th Century? Sets could be; Late 17th Century Infantry (in Brimed Hats, Musketeers, (un)armo...
Other nice Sets would be; Late Sengoku Period Samurai with Westernized Equipment (Cuirass, Western Muskets ect.) Ikko Ikki Siege Weapons
I would say: Unit Command (Leader, Bannerbearer, Musician) Daimyos Named Characters like Oda Nobunaga and Co Retainers and Servants Ninjas Western and Chinese Advisers Tent Walls for Comma...
Late Antiquity after Sengoku Period Japan would be neat...
Lets see what happened.... Looks like I'm not the only one who brought that Idea to WGA.
There are some contraditory rumours and offical talk about. - Punic Wars and the talk about "tiny ellies" and sculped romans with some rumors about it - Gallic Wars, which also was mentioned and ...
Still no teasers or announcments to a Hail Caesar Epic Battles setting, only this "Achtung Panzer" Game.
There is now a Survey: LINK - Ancient Armies of the Hellenistic Antiquity in 6mm or 10mm and in Plastic would be nice. ;)
Warlord Games are Working on Hail Caesar Epic Battles: They look like Marian Romans from Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars to me. Lets hope they also will bring Pontic and Late Ptolemaic Egypt Armies.
Warlord Games via Facebook: We love you all so much that in 24 hours we will reveal our newest Epic Battles game! Be sure to subscribe to the Warlord Games newsletter to be the first to ...
Warlord Games via Facebook: We will be making a huge announcement in this Wednesday's Newsletter! Click the link to subscribe and be the first to get the news! #...
I don't see how the customers could be really interested into Articles where they show the Workplace of a Staff Member or John shows his ECW Saber Collection which is already illustrated in the P&a...
At the times when the "Trojan War" happened it is possible that the Hethite Empire was already in its Decline Phase and had no longer the capacities to help its Vassals or Allies, maybe also treate...
They should just announce the next Epic Battles Setting instead of posting "every day nonsense we do" on their FB-Page...
@JTam You're right, those Models are the 28mm ECW Range. The new Second Edition Rulebook is indeed very beautiful designed.... For Fire and Sword, there was an ECW Expansion announced in 20...
I hope so. Picture could be a hint for English Civil War, which was mentioned miltiple times in the past and which they confirmed they work on.
They're indeed usefull for the complete Late Antiquity / Early Medieval Period. Mix in more or lesser Roman Eqipment form the Late Roman Sets and you ca go for all Germanic People of the Late Antiq...
Nah, Scale (Lorica Squamata) was (after Mail, Lorica Hamata) the other common armour in the east and was used through all Imperial Periods. The Romans adapted Scale Armor possible when they started...
Those "four horse teams" sounds like Chariots in Hethite fashion / influence. Those Arzawa states were mostly long hethite Vassals, very possible that they adapted hethite warfare over time.
How about Early Imperial Romans in Scale?
Which one looks better? With or without cloak? This will be a gigantic mammoth project. My goal is to represent the complete Antiquity from the Rise of Rome to the 3rd Century Crisis. There w...
I started to design own stuff for 3d Printing. Working on a Range of 6mm to 10mm Miniatures for Antiquity. Roman Helmets thorugh the Ages Mix of Republican Romans (WIP with "lend" third Party p...
Victrix have two Sets for ther Imperial Legionaries, dynamic and rank and file poses. The Victrix and Warlord "Early" Imperial Romans are more "Claudian Reform" Imperial Romans, for the High Imper...
There is a new Poll on Facebook about which "boring" existing ranges WGA should remade. One of the possible options on the List is "Caesarian Romans". Marian (Caesarian) Romans, historical authent...
In 451 CE, late Roman Troops nearly extinct in the West. Most Troops in the West were Germanic Foederatii. Only the Eastern Part at this Time still maintained a High Number of Trained "Romans" Nati...
Yes, the Historicans moves away from the Fall of the Roman Empire more to a transition period. The true Dark Age of Human History is the Bronze Age Colapse - we actual know NOTHING about which kno...
There are two trading marks of the Illyrians; The sica and the lack of belts. Most Equipment was Greek/Hellenistic as the largest influence on the Illyrians. Mixing in Norricum and Pannonian Celts...
I wonder how much the interest at Wargames Atlantic is to make a 12,5mm Ancient Range when WLG come up with HC Epic Battles.
For me, it's Hellenistzic and Late Antiquity.
I wonder which Periods of Antiquity you folks do play? Because the Poll limit you to only one possible answer, choose your favorite Period and comment which further Periods you also play.
I really hope those Punic War Miniatures are for a HC Epic Battles release..
I heared now from multiple sources that WLG are strongly hinted Republican Romans and Carthaginians on their last Open Day - I hope for Epic Battles.
@Pierre Lerdou-Udoy Do you mixed up our comments?
I'm happy that old Army Lists can be used without any revise or rework.... I have an own Army List Database for Hail Caesar with nearly 200 Army Lists from Iron Age to Late Antiquity, all writen b...
I have the feeling WLG could bring Infantry & Cavalry with seperate shields. I'm not sure how WLG would fix the untercuts on the backsides when shields are part of the Stripes. I also think th...