Driver’s seat releases

  • In that contest... there was a vote for 3 releases. The winners were...


    For September Release: Death Fields Ooh Rah! They squeaked past the Grognard Raptor Cavalry and the Iron-Core Valkir were in 3rd.

    For October Release: Classic Fantasy Landsknecht Ogres! Kobolds and Trolls were neck and neck in 2nd and 3rd. 

    For November Release: Modern "Operators" just barely beat out the WW1 British. New entree 1930s Gangsters and G-Men and Conquistador Cavalry were close behind.


    so, Oohrah releases in September. That being a week away, I would expect to start seeing some teasers... sprue layout, etc... soon. Same for the ogres releasing in October. 

  • Waiting for the Ogres and the Conquistador Cavalry to round up my historical \ fantasy Portuguese Descobrimentos Army.

  • Speaking of Landsknecht Ogres and Conquistador cavalry....   I found both of these yesterday:


    (Cavalry from

    Might wet your appetite.

  • I'm excited for the Raptor Cavalry.  Great for anyone's Imperial Gaurd army.  Great for Necromunda Ash Wastes too....


    (Not my pictures.... sadly don't have that issue.)

  • Raptor cavalry will be good, and I am sure very popular. I may try some aztec lizard cavalry... for historical accuracy

  • OOH RAH and Ogres are in layout status now. 

  • @William Redford A good opposition for my absolutely historically accurate Portuguese Descobrimentos Ogres.

  • @JTam they look good. Gringo40s always look good, they have great minis, but are expensive and a pain to get in Portugal.

  • @Vitor Soares 

    They do look good.

    I've seen plenty of Conquistador miniatures out there, but these were the only ones I found worth sharing.  

  • @JTam 

    AOS: Mortal Realms is finally available in Quebec, and Canada. I was planning to reuse some of the Sigmarines' mounts "dans l'esprit" of NM6 cover.

  • @Steven StGeorges 

    That's a magazine?  What is NM6?

  • @JTam 

    NM6... Necromunda Magazine 6, the very one you posted above my friend.

    I am not sure but maybe the rules for exotic mounts are part of the Necromunda Compedium I or II, I've got to check. I think the Necromunda magazine issues are not available around the net even on .pdf format actually, a pity since I've sold all mine alongside Gang War mag and all Necromunda related stuff (boxes, minis, whatever..) decades ago. A pity for now I really would like to read them again.

    The minis from AoS:MR (weekly magazine) I am talking about:

    Evocators on celectial dracolines

    MR is full of unexpected goodies like some WarCry scenery elements... 

    I don't know if GW/Hachette are planning new collections based on other games like Necromunda, Warcry, Mordheim or Kill Team after Imperium (that won't be published in Qc before 2024/2025 at best.. we are facing quite a challenge now since both MR (issue 1) and Conquest (issue 57) are available at the same time here...).. but Necromunda and Kill Team could be instant-hits. 

  • @JTam 

    Imperium magazine (edition completed in the UK/Australia, available in the US and France atm). You can buy them at Barnes & Noble ... read somewhere (maybe Reddit) B&N stores are used to bin past issues 🤔

    In addition to Primaris/SM and Necrons, Imperium is providing half a decent Sisters of Battle army and good Adeptus Mechanicus troops... with some good terrain elements.

    Conquest magazine (edition completed in the UK/Australia/France/Spain/Italy; only available in Canada but in french)

    In addition to Primaris/SM and Death Guard, Conquest main interest could be terrain elements.

    Mortal Realms (edition completed in the UK/Australia/France/Spain/Italy; only available in Canada but in french)

    So Sigmarines vs Undeads, I am not going to buy all issues since I am not an AoS player; once again main interest is WarCry and AoS (excepted the Statue of Sigmar) terrain elements. I am only interested in some models from both factions so maybe half of the collection, three-quarter with terrain stuff.


    Oh and finally found out the rules for Necromunda's Ash Wastes Madmaxian Vehicles and Exotic Beasts -as depicted on NM6, they are part of the Arbitor Ian's Necromunda Compilation vol 1 (page 203 I think). I totally forgot how funny and funky such set of rules were... 😁


  • @Vitor Soares 

    I ordered some Gringo 40 miniatures the other day.  

    I kind of feel your pain on the hard to get. 

    I ordered straight from the source.  First you order the minis and pay.  Then you get a second invoice for the shipping and pay that.  I probably would have canceled out my cart  (or, maybe added more stuff) if I had known what the shipping was going to be at the time of the initial order.


  • @JTam yep, that and the long wait really influences my choice of companies nowadays. 

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