Princess Sandra's Infantry Command

  • So generally I don't post a lot of non WGA stuff on the WGA forum.  Or at least I try not to make topics about it.  

    But I needed to share this miniature set.  Because on the entirety of the internet there is not a single picture of what Eureka's Princess Sandra's Infantry Command looks like.  

    I decided to get the set with my last Eureka order (how bad can they be thoughts I) and I wanted to share what they look like with the hobby community.

    You know whose life sucks?  The trooper assigned to carry around that f*cknormous drum.

    Beautiful miniatures.  Crisp, with nice details.  Seems like they would fit in fairly nicely in a lot of 18th century armies.  

    I suppose one could use them for Silver Bayonet, but as I understand it the tricorne was right out by the 1800s.  

    Sidenote:  I have to say all my business transactions with Eureka USA have been great.  Products always posted (actually picked up and moving) the next day.  

  • Nice. I looked at the website based on your pic. I like their "pirate girls". But there are 7 figures and you cant choose which you get. It says "7 figures supplied randomly". :( I sent an e-mail asking if I order 7, will I get 7 random figures or would that guarantee me 1 of each. Will see what they say.

  • @William Redford 

    You can see the quality/look of some of their other miniatures here:


    And here:

    Grenzer and Cossacks.

  • They look like nice figures, good buy, congratulations. 

  • Size comparison with a Brigade Games ""Spanish Rebel Command I" set. 


  • @William Redford 

    Did you email Eureka/get a reply yet?

    I need to email them about this mini:

    (Miniature painted by Ty Chapman).

    I can't find it on the website.

  • @JTam yeah. They answered promptly but a bit unsatisfactory. They said I will be sent a mix of what is currently available which SHOULD be all 7... 

    im still debating it. 

  • @William Redford Dam thats a bit 50/50 was it not, good luck Bill, routing for you.

  • "Rebellion" is great campaign book.  Outstanding history, analysis, information on formations and uniforms, etc.  Really well done.

  • So, I never ended up ordering the pirate girls. I am not buying anything for myself until the holidays are over, but in February I plan on making a Eureka order. They have some nice spanish and portugeuse conquistadors, some civilians, the pirate girls and the Princess Sandra stuff. I saw this picture of the artillerists, and I think they would fit with some of my stuff. 

  • @William Redford 

    Sounds good.  All my Eureka USA orders have gone really well.  They've had the order in the mail and moving the next day.


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