The April Atlantic Digital Painting competition

  • Greetings Legionaries,

    As many of you may know, Wargames Atlantic releases 11 (or more) digital file sets every month as part of our tribes subscription platform on

    March and it's releases were themed around "All things Asia" And the team wants to see what you all can do with that!

    Paint one model or one hundred. Make a diorama, or something else entirely! Entries must contain miniatures and/or parts from the march 2024 releases, noted here:

    First Empires - Qin Shi Huang, First Emperor of China

    Decline and Fall - Hunnic Light Cavalry

    Blood Oaths - Khmer Imperial Infantry

    Renaissance - Armored Samurai (1)

    Napoleon's Wars - Pirates of the South China Sea

    Imperial conquests - French Foreign Legion in Asia

    The Great War - WW1 Japanese

    World Ablaze - Chindits

    General Accoutrements - Asian Water Buffalo 

    Classic Fantasy - Asian Dragon

    Death Fields - Oni

    Entries should be submitted by 11:59 Friday May 10th.

    Wargames Atlantic is now opening this thread as a secondary entry point. You can either post your entries here in the comments below or email the email listed.

    Please submit entries to

    Entries should be formatted as such

    Subject: [Name]'s Entry for the April Atlantic Digital Painting Competition.

    In the main body, you should put

    Your name,

    a title for your entry if you have one,

    what kits you used in your entry,

    and a description (or simply why you think it's cool)


    Voting will be held internally by the Atlantic Digital team, and winners will be announced  after the submission period closes.

    First place will win two boxed sets of their choice from our plastic ranges and be featured on our articles and news blog.

    Second place will win one box and be featured on our articles and news blog.

    Third place will win one box and be featured on our articles and news blog.


    The team can't wait to see what you create.


    Happy Wargaming!

    The Atlantic Digital Team

  • What about the winners of the February competition? Will there be an announcement soon? 

  • Wish I had my printer working, I got some great ideas! 

  • @Georg Dierkes third post down on the facebook page.


    For some reason I can't get an embed link for the specific post.


  • @Lord Marcus Thank you for the link. I didn't ckeck Facebook but just this forum. 

    Nice to see that I make the 1st place. Noboby told me before. 

  • @Georg Dierkes Thanks for asking about it. Like you, I was checking the forums only. So the Facebook announcement was a surprise.

    Congratulations on your first place.

  • @Dragon Wyrm  Thank you and congrats to your placement. I guess, you don't know how to choose your price, too. I don't want to seem rude, but I think the promised prizes should also be presented before a new competition is started.

    @Lord Marcus Sorry for misusing your thread

  • Right there with you folks. Appreciate the link, I just rarely use Fb so would have never seen it otherwise. I just assumed I didn't place because I never heard from anyone about it.


    I sent an email, but it may be good to have the organizer also organize telling people how they did. 

  • Quick question, is it possible to include a non wargames atlantic model in the diorama? Alongside the wargames atlantic models f course.

  • @Bryn Smith Yes, just please note what you are using completely.

  • @Thomas Brewer I will post results here within 24 hours if a notice is posted on facebook for this contest and future.

  • 6 days to go. Wargames Atlantic is now opening this thread as a secondary entry point. You can either post your entries here or email the email listed in the OP of this thread.

  • Just wondering, when will we see the results and what the winners have submitted?

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