suggestions for future shield sprues

  • so the dark ages shield sprue is out, and from recent email newsletters, a late roman sprue is in the works.

    can i make suggestion for the next one?

    Aztec and non-metal conquistador shields. drawing on all 4 varieties from the Aztec, Conquistador, and Conquistador cavalry sets.

    couple reasons:

    first, to give people buildign those three set (especially the conquistador sets) not only more shields to use, but also greater variety of styles, without having to buy excessive amounts of sets.

    second, because these shields can be used on several other sets WGA makes. they fit very well stylistically with the Lizardman figures's spear arms, and can be used with the Goblins to give them a distinctive 'tribal' look. they'd also be a good way to turn the Persians or Dark Age irish into a more fantasy style army.

    plus they'd give players with armies of 25mm-28mm metal aztecfigures from other manufacturers an option to upgrade from the heavier metal cast sheilds that often come with those, and which are more difficult to glue in place. they'll also be more durable than the ones that come with resin-printed figures.



  • I am not sure shield sprues are a big need and I don't I think those particular shields are really a good candidate compared to other shields persay, and I will explain why.

    First most historical shield sprues tend to be just identical shield clones on the same sprue. Ironically this is not true to life representation of shields for most civilizations (like the Aztec and Spanish Empires),  so they are actually kinda of a waste of molding normally unless we are talking places which had some degree of standardization like Rome, Ancient China, etc. Despite this clear issue, it seems most people like them that way, meaning its debatable that it would fill the needed variety if done particularly if democracy via polling becomes a factor.

    Second the WA history sets that have shields actually have enough to more than enough shields already for most to practical purposes. Even the Conquistadors and Aztec both have enough given you’re going make several to most warriors in each into non-shield using troop types normally and if you buy either of the Conquistador cavalry sets you’ll have a ton of extra shields for your infantry if your trying to make just swordsmen for oophammer fantasy Empire (the only gameply reason I can think of for more sheilds in either) since you get 12 extra shields in each cavalry set.

    Third, while both Aztecs and Conquestdor sets have shields do work for the lizardmen, I personally find the bucklers in the Afghan set to be the best for the scalies (which are really optional for that set build wise) and you get extra belt goodies to customize them further from the Afghan sprue. Likewise I get the feeling everyone has their favorite “shields, etc.” to go with the lizardmen and while we are at goblins, etc.

    Frankly why go with historical shields when a fantasy shield sprue would better fill the real niches (not enough shields for fantasy races), more likely to have a great deal of variety, and sell better.

  • How about some sci-fi shield designs for breaching teams and modern riot squads?

    For some fantasy interest, what about the shield guns they made for Henry 8th or those lantern shields that were like some Swiss Army knife hodge-podge of spikes, blades and a lantern?

    I'm also reminded of the lasergun shields from a Doctor Who story (the lasers were camera flashes as I recall but it looked super cool onscreen, especially for a Doctor Who prop)

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