I've been itching to do a Frankish warband for Saga and Lion Rampant. Looks like this will be a good start. Combined with the Late Roman and Goth boxes, there are many opportunities for creative mi...
I've been itching to do a Frankish warband for Saga and Lion Rampant. Looks like this will be a good start. Combined with the Late Roman and Goth boxes, there are many opportunities for creative mi...
Here are some random pics of my WA Goths, some of which have bodies from the WA Late Roman box and capes from the Irish Warriors box.
Can we assume full interchangeability with the Goth, Roman and Irish Warrior boxes? I hope so, because then this means that Gripping Beast bits and bobs can also be used for even more creative ende...
@Harry Voelkel the latest release answers your question with a "no," but there will be new heads and bodies added to the box.
How do these figures match up with Fireforge plastic minis? Bigger, smaller, same size? Does anyone have comparison photos?
Looking forward to the release of the plastic Franks box. I plan to create a new warband for Saga and will need at least 3 boxes of Franks, along with another box of Goths to kitbash shooting units.
@JTam I beg to differ on Victrix for a lot of reasons ... Poses are awful -- you get an entire bag of men with their right arms sticking upwards (see, for example, their Gallic Warriors). I find th...
Most of the surviving photos of these troops in the field in 1940 are propaganda pics taken by the Germans after these famously brave soldiers surrendered.
I've subsequently done some additional reading on this topic, as well as searching out images of these soldiers in the field/combat during the Battle of France (1940). Wearing the helmet was ...
I'm also very enthused about this release. I will definitely be incorporating these figures into my existing Late Roman armies, along with Goths.
My Goths just arrived yesterday (August 1st).
Here's another vote in favor of Huns. This would definitely need to be a cavalry box, with options for light and heavy cavalry. The spare heads could be kitbashed with the Goths to create foot troo...