Lizardmen ? box art vs content

  • Hello,

    I’m trying to make a sniper lizard, but i can’t find any body+rifle fitting in a firing position, from the sprue. They are all, it seems, only holding the gun in non-ready way, or at the belt, but not arming it near the face or eye.

    However, on the cover of the box, the example army shows one lizard holding a gun in a firing posture, whith one hand very close to the shoulder. I cannot find it.

    Should i bend/cut something, or did i miss something ?


  • I don't have any inside information, and I'm going to guess that you're referring tot he figure on the far right of this picture:

    I don't think the part was included in the final set - none of the arm parts on the final frame look remotely like that pose.

    Based on previews and such we've gotten from Wargames Atlantic for other sets, it seems that a collection of parts is designed that sometimes includes more bits than can be fit on the frames, so decisisons need to be made about what is included and what gets left behind., and sometimes these decisions seem to get made after the parts are test-printed and fit together for previews, painting, and so on - this might have been a bit that didn't make the final cut due to the limited space available on the frame.

    You MIGHT be able to craft an arm in a similar shape using one of the "assault rifle" arms (for example) grafted onto a musket hand, perhaps with a bit of bending or melting involved.  (Good luck - I haven't had a whole lot of luck with melting and bending this plastic!)

    If my guess is right, I wonder if WA has enough of these unused lizard man bits in their archives to release them as a Digital Atlantic 3D-printable set?


  • Yes, thanks, that’s the one "sniper/active" pose i wanted. I tried different options but almost destroyed the model so i gave up and went for the non-ready posture.

  • Looking at the sprue to make that pose one would have to do the following:

    1. Cut out the rifle arm by the bodies.

    2. Cut that one piece by the elbow and wrist.

    3. Carve out the tiny bits of plastic that would prevent the pose.

    4. Glue the lower arm back to the upper arm in the rigth pose. Then after that is dry, glue the hand with the gun to the arm in the right pose.

    5. Fill any gaps with sprue glue or white milliput.

    6. Hope one of the left arm fits or else you have to do the same process for a left arm too.

    Lot of work for something that should be in the box.

  • Yeah, and in some ways, this kit kind of feels like we're not getting the full sprue it deserves.  I'd have to compare it to some of the newer kits by WA to see if it really is smaller, but it certainly feels smaller for some reason - the sprues for the skeleton and halfling kits felt a bit small, too.  Not sure if some of the newer kits are using bigger sprues, or if WA is just getting better at fitting more stuff onto the sprues than they used to, but it does almost come across like an artifact of that early time in Wargames Atlantic's history.  Which wasn't all that long ago:  they've come a long way from humble beginnings in the last couple years, whne we could count the number of available WA products on one hand!

    Don't get me wrong:  I appreciated then that we were getting a couple different types of guns and gas masks in a Classic Fantasy kit with such small sprues, and still get a few fantasy melee weapons and a couple different types of plain lizard heads on there too, when WA could have just as easily have just given us enough Warhammer-friendly blow guns and macuahuitl war clubs to get by, and I still do appreciate it:  this was an ambitious kit for the amount of space they were working with!

    But, I can't help thinking that if the kit were made today, we'd probably have been getting a few more bits, including a oouple more rifle poses, and a few more melee weapons.

    I can only say again that hopefully we see either a follow-up kit for the lizard men that includes those sortsof bits (and more), or at least get a Digital Atlantic product that 3D prints those sorts of bits.  Fans of these guys would,I think, be very happy to see some additional rifle poses for aiming properly instead of shooting from the hip, some handguns, a few more swords and clubs and spears and the like, perhaps some shields, and some command and support bits.  The discusson elsewhere in this forum about what a heavy weapons kit for these guys might look like is full of great ideas, too!


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