Adepticon 2025: Grimdark Future $100 Army Challenge

  • I brought this up a while back and it's officially happening!

    The $100 Army Challenge is about building armies on the cheap and then putting them on the table. As wargamers we see minis we like, buy them, and never get a chance to use them. Or maybe you bought a 3D printer to crank out all kind of cool stuff, but your local store or tournament scene doesn't allow it. The Challenge hears you. The challenge welcomes you.

    This event challenges players to build an army for $100 or less. Players should bring their army rosters, and an list of what they spent on the army. Armies over $100 are allowed and welcome, but awards will be focused around budget builds.

    Games will use OnePageRules Grimdark Future, specifically the Advanced Rules tournament ruleset. These can be purchased for $5 from Games will be one-on-one, 1000 points, following the competitive composition rules. Army lists should be built using the < ahref="" target="_blank">OnePageRules Army Forge. Models from any manufacturer are allowed, along with 3D printed models, original sculpts, scratch builds, and original sculpts.

    Army cost will be calculated for model models only, but if one wants to price out an army including models, paints, supplies, etc for $100 or less and show off what they can do, go for it! 3D printed models will be cost of STLs plus the cost in resin by weight, using a price of US$20/kg.

    The tournament will be broken into three rounds, two hours each, with a one hour break between each round. This is a casual event intended for people who just like minis and want to have a good time. Awards will be of a silly nature.

    I'm hoping to see some members of the WGA community there!

    The official OnePageRules tournament should also be a whole lot of fun, pitting fantasy armies and sci-fi armies against each other:

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