I have started assembling and painting a box of harvester. Great minis, massive pain to glue the legs on. Right up there with the spiders for frustration. Unlike the spiders, the harvesters don't ...
I have started assembling and painting a box of harvester. Great minis, massive pain to glue the legs on. Right up there with the spiders for frustration. Unlike the spiders, the harvesters don't ...
@Brian Van De Walker It does make sense for the gladiators to be digital. I hope they will get around to making the set more complete. The Spartacus Revolt set is lacking some important bits for tr...
The new glaitrices digital set has some options and details that I would like to see on male gladiators that were absent from the Spartacus Revolt set. Different helmets, padded limbs, etc. ...
Well, my one box wargame contest entry uses the Gladiators from the digital line. Take a look if you are interested. Gladiator: Primus Palus
@Alfonso TheTraitor haven't tried yet, but they have to be easier than the spiders. Paint looks great.
Seems like an excellent use of the platform. I am tempted to hold off assembling some death field bodies to save them for aliens. More likely to pick up the space dwarves to make into aliens too; s...
Do I want 28/32mm scale plastic dinosaurs? Yes. Is this related to a game idea I have? ...maybe
Mantic enforcers are another reference point for power armor.
@William Redford if the ninjas are any good, you wouldn't expect to see them, would you?
A set that could make classic Rainbow 6 style figures would be nice. The 6:Siege minis from that kickstarter showed that the series is quite a distance from its roots.
@Frank Reischmann eisenkern seem a little heavy for that. I have both eisenkern and raumjaegers that I plan on using for a skirmish game idea I am working on. I really like the look of both sets.
While I wouldn't complain if WA did a box, since more space marines (not 40k) are always good, you could look at Mantic's GCPS. I think the aesthetic is decently close.
I suspect you would start with unarmored male gladiators as a box, then expand from there. Some of the armored types you might be able to kitbash in the meantime.
I was recently curious about roman gladiator minis. Looking around, I didn't see many options. Crusader (I think) had some, but they were metal and the styling was a too old-school for me, personal...
When these were announced, I was excited. When I saw the price, I thought, "Wow, how many are in the box?" Neat looking minis, not going to touch them at those prices.
They are at each others throats until the Raumjaeger show up, then they work together for a bit.