@Andreas Mayrhofer Hell, yeah, those look excellent! I agree with you 100% about the proportions. The only thing I like about the Primaris is their size; Astartes should have always bee...
@Andreas Mayrhofer Hell, yeah, those look excellent! I agree with you 100% about the proportions. The only thing I like about the Primaris is their size; Astartes should have always bee...
Dang, that looks fantastic! I grabbed the smaller brown one as a "shuttle/drop ship;" I'm still working on it (the mantra of the true miniatures hobbyist! 😆). Seeing that bigger one on ...
I love him. Bad jokes are my jam, and Tootie frigging rules! Whoever's idea that was, keep this goofball going for as long as you can!
Dear Lord, these are glorious! I have pretty limited space in my house, so I bought the Acid House Terrain foldable fantasy set, and I love it, but - man! - stuff like this gives me the itch ...
Man, those Grognard horsies are looking fly! I don't fart with cavalry in my games, but I can appreciate a great idea when I see it, and making your basic horse sprue modular like this is gen...
*whew!* Now I don't feel bad about buying single sprues! 😆 As a solo/skirmish gamer and kitbasher, I have no use for full boxes of soldiers, and either wound up selling or trading off the sp...
I'm digging the dwarf heads; I'm hoping there will be bodies and weapons to go with them! I like the simpler, more realistic helmets, but why are they pushed up so high on their heads? ...
I have yet to play One Page, as I'm pretty rural and my family doesn't play, but One Page Rules is definitely the way I would go over official GW. As much as I've loved 40k since the 90s, the enor...
I'm pretty firmly in the "no more remakes, please" camp. I'm tired of them. Make something new, dammit! Anyway...Taika Waititi's either super-hit or super-miss for me. What We Do...
Dang, this is right up my alley! Mike Mignola's Baltimore is one of my favorite comics, and I've been itching for a game set in "Weird War I" with trench-fighters vs. monsters, ghosts, and st...
The Skitarii Vanguard also have sallet-looking helmets, but I don't know if the Polish used those or not.
@JJ McClure the Serberys Sulphurhounds have very Polish-looking helmets; maybe these would work for you? If you dig these, how many would you need? I can see if I have some left over, ...
@JTam Here they are. Obviously, they're not painted, yet; I'm waiting for some backpacks and other parts I ordered from Etsy. I think the scale pretty well! Plus, the rifles that c...
@Alessio De Carolis I'm using the Death Fields Les Grognards as alternate Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii bodies, and they scale fine, by my eye. I had to cut the "neck bulb" off of the Skitarii ...
Battle: Los Angeles wasn't perfect, but it was entertaining, for sure. I actually liked Tue "autopsy" scene. Its an alien with alien anatomy; they had to figure out which organs were th...
Oh, yeah, I'd definitely snag a box. I'm always in the market for robotic/cybernetic minis and parts for building and kitbashing.
Came for the great-looking monk minis (great job!), stayed for the history lesson on the origins of soap! 😆 That's why I love this forum!
@Mark Dewis Could be. I don't like it aesthetically, but maybe the story could be its her father's armor and she took it up when she went into the family trade. Maybe its her late husband's ...
@JTam Those look really damn cool; I'd like to see how the minis turn out. I'm with you on the last one, though. The body armor looks like Greek-ish male armor, and the pauldrons look Roman ...
At the moment, I'm building some servitors for my not-Adeptus Mechanicus force (WA's Cannon Fodder are perfect for this!), so could someone help me out with weird boinic appendages and heads? Beyo...
Really awesome conversion theme and execution; dig the blurbs about the characters, too!
As bad as the Imperium is, let's not swing too hard at them - after all, literally every faction is as bad or worse. But yeah, it's funny how characters that are meant as satire of, or e...
@Grumpy Gnome You're not wrong, but it can totally work if done right. 40k, 2000ad...hell, a lot of British IPs feature anti-heroes that people love, and in a strange way, come to identify with.&n...
I'm sure you've all heard by now: the perpetually jilted and criminally mistreated Henry Cavill is working on a Warhammer 40k show to be aired on (but apparently and thankfully not produced by) Ama...
@Alessio De Carolis those grid bases are awesome; they'd look especially great with Trader's Galaxy's Bot War minis, since it would kinda harken to the OG Transformers toy packaging! https://trade...
I really dig the Adeptus Mechanicus, but not enough to buy anything retail (except for the one box of Skitarii I have); everything else I snagged at a bargain second-hand. Mostly bits to kitb...
@Nanashi Anon "Something very unexpected" + robes =
I went "Pirates." I'm in a space pirate mood at the moment, dreaming up crews for Five Parsecs. I dig the "Heads" choice, too. Heads and gear -- pouches, grenades, backpacks, sidearms, shoul...
I went with "desert" for Dark Sun. I'd take pretty much anything but the Tolkien-esque (a la GW) or "standard D&D-"type; I still dig those, but there are beyond plenty of those types to c...
I don't know; while it does sound like a good idea, "sku bloat" is a real thing that should be avoided at all costs.
This is awesome! Those Mechs are the perfect scale; gonna have to snag some. Can't wait to see it finished!
Man, I really wish these would hit the states. It'd be reeeeal hard not to snag them all. Plus, the fact that their packaging is friggin' terrain is hella cool!
Lately I've been digging Orville Peck. He's got a little of Roy Orbison, Chris Isaak, Dwight Yoakum, Marty Robins, and Elvis, and a nice bit of that sweet melancholy and darkness that mainstr...
@JTam Holy macaroni, that's AMAZING! I just occured to me that the door on his stomach means you can walk around in this guy's chest cavity! 🤘😆🤘
@Mark Dewis yeah, that's been one of my go-tos for minis in bulkier, figure-concealing get-ups: put a female head on it and it looks fine. Where separate female figures are needed are sets with cl...
I don't use Facebook, but I'd pretty much say "all of the above." The games I play are minis-agnostic, so I just go for whatever minis look cool, and having a nice mix of boys and girls is al...
I'd love some generic bodies for NPCs, hostages, etc. I keep looking, but so far, nothing has hit the right spot.
Dig it! Even though Chaos isn't my bag, Chaos players always bring the goods with conversions, since G-Dub doesn't usually have the requisite models (corrupted IG, Dark Mechanicus, etc.). Ca...
@Andreas Mayrhofer Those are really great! Fantastic paint job, too! 🤘
I think all the Necromunda (except for Goliaths, of course) have a few females. Gonna have to pick up some of these sprues on the eBay!
@JTam Nice! I'll have to snag the new Stargrave and Frostgrave chicks. Putting together my bad guys for Five Leagues and Five Parsecs, I got some total sausage parties going on; my vill...
Wow, nicely done! Great conversions and paint jobs! Definitely need to snag me some halflings, now...
Dang, nice! I really dig the sword guy! Is he a servitor? Cyborg? In any event, hella-good job! Awesome paint job, too!
@William Redford you could just add 3 and 5 together and get 35 boxes I'll snag a box, for sure. I'd really like to play Five Leagues with black powder added in; I doubt it would be ...
I'd definitely snag some. I have my eye on Warlord's Colonial Militia and Woodlands Tribes minis for gaming in a Weird 1700s setting.
Sci-Fi centaurs would be cool, and not just horses. I've got an idea for a rhino-ish centaur for my Five Parsecs crew, but I'm having trouble finding a rhino toy (or even better, one of th...
@John Wilson sounds about right. I'm all for things like the webbed victims in the spider kit, and the egg sacks here; PERFECT for objectives!