The Valkir Are Coming

  • Sneak Peak from 2 DEC 22:

    Looks about right:

    And from the WGA release schedule:


  • Good catch, glad to see them soon! 

  • So what do the Valkir proxy as if you were to use them in 40k or other games like it?

  • @Charles Tottington probably Firstborn, or Sisters with some work.

  • @Charles Tottington 

    I've seen them used as Sisters of Battle with Statuesque heads.  They looked pretty good.  

    But the most obvious use is Space Marines.

  • I hope so... I wait so long of then... 

    Need more boxes for my troops.

  • @Charles Tottington Only had a few may be 5 at most Warhammer 40,000 games mosty as Guard( only figures we purchased a few) But if you cheak out sone other posts the Valkir have been in my life for some time and I can`t wait for the "New". Besides Iron Core itself, played with Stargrunt and many other rules since including Starship troopers. Figures have proxied in Starwars, Stargate, Primevil, Dredd, Hellgate, and Starship Troopers used with the original Mules to resuply ammo they were great. In original form for Iron Core they were the best. A power armour with terrific fire power there only fault speed, and the fast  run out of ammo, If playing against proxy, Shadowkesh they were canned meat if not supported on the flanks by Eisenkern. They can hold the post firm,  just have mules or some proxy ammo resupplys If you need a breach plugged tight these were the guys to do it in style.

  • There were several sets in the original forms and I`m not sure what we will get but I looking forward to them.

  • As J-Tam shown it looks like the heavy is the one whose weapons are shown. Hope the Assault, and Support, follow soon. Or the set produced is a mix of the three.

  • @Geoff Maybury The assault look perfect for Vanguard Vets, just need to get jump packs.

  • I wonder how many different helmet options they get?

  • @Charles Tottington Very easy to convert to Sisters. Headswap to an unhelmeted female head (Statuesque and Victoria Miniatures are popular) and swap in Space Marine weapons and backpack.

    Backpack swap optional.

    Conversions | Plastic Sisters of Battle (Updated March 2018) – Sisters of  Saint Nora

    Alternative Plastic Sisters Of Battle using GW bits and 3rd Party Heads and  Bodies (Blog Link) : r/Warhammer40k

    Want Plastic Sisters NOW? – The HOT Conversions


  • @Mark Dewis My god man, pure magic, as usual, you actually make a proxy WG figure cool. For a total None Warhammer player I would use those for "Hellgate London" and be in "Heaven". Sorry😉. 

  • @Charles Tottington Thats the million dollar question, we will have to wait and see, the sprue layouts not been shown yet. 

  • Interesting... I've never thought on sisters by the valkyr... I would use GW-sisters for my army but this is much better...

    Ohhhh... that would be a very expensive order by WA... 🤣

  • Any news about the Valkir?

  • Here's hoping to a release before 2024.

  • Here's to hoping that the Valkir end up on the Vox Populi so we can maybe see them next year!

  • Voting is open to select the next to be added to the Vox Populi short list.

    Would be a good time to cast a vote towards Valkir for those interested.

  • Im craving some scifi! heres hoping they get there shot!

  • 149 votes from the Vox Populi vote!  Not a bad showing.

  • much better then I feared! hopefully next time we can rally more support

  • I'm extremely hopeful these come out this year. Outside of GW there's no good (if any, as I really can't find them) plastic power armor infantry on the market. There's a lot of nice resin out there, but that gets expensive in a hurry and has all the problems of dealing with resin.

  • 130 votes this time.  But with 16.1% instead of 14.6% of the vote. Winner took 23.9% of the vote so a good margin of difference.

    Still it was nice to see the interest.

  • I wonder if the loinclothes will be optional pieces? I mean I like them, but I kind of do want them to match up with the rest of my firstborn marines in a way.

  • I remain salty these weren't voted for the next vox populi. But I remain hopeful that they simply get made before the end of the year.

  • I agree that it would be nice to have positive news before 2025.

  • @Charles Tottington in the old Dreamforge kits the loinclothes were seperate pieces

  • @Charles Tottington I just hope they keep the long anti-armor rifles they had in the base set.

  • FINALLY! We get to see the sneakiest of peaks with frame positioning!

    Please let these come out before the end of the year. I've been waiting to be able to get these in real bulk since 2013.

    (Check the Friday email everybody!)

  • @Greaver Blade if you don't subscribe to email you can also check sneak peek topic, I posted pics there. Can't wait!

  • Hey the email just had another preveiw of the Valkir, glad they are keeping the "retro anime" style anti-armor rifles.

    Edit after quick reread of thread: Guess you already knew that, still liking the rifles😆

  • And I hope we get these angled helmets too. They are really what make this unit for me, the "stormtrooper" style is nice too, but I have bunch of these already in light infantry set.

  • @Drangir Agreed, I want my anti-tank space knights.

  • @Drangir The Friday email is what lead to my reviving a zombie thread! I'm super stoked for them. I'll check the sneak peeks as well in case I missed something.

  • @Greaver Blade Yep, they seem to be on the "its getting done in the next few months" list.

  • I am glad that it has not quietly been canceled as it is an excellent looking kit.

    It is good to have had positive news before 2025.

  • Pre-order in 8 days AAAA

    Are they will be support kind only? Or we can count on more weapons types in the sprue?

    More Iron-Core was announced too aaaaaaaa

  • @Drangir It looks like it at least has the "big rifles" from the normal 20 figure set originally, so its likely they have the "not bolters" and other weapons from that set as well, I would be more surprised if they added the support weapons at this point.

  • Yeah, I mixed the names up - we could see heavy troop gear, no support variety.

  • i'd hope at least a few of the melee options on the sprue. even if not a main part, enough game systems give squad and unit commanders pistol+melee loadouts that i'd expect at least one set to the frame.

  • @Mithril2098 on the contrary, all the sneak peeks shown heavy trooper gear only, but there's still a lot to discover on the matter (especially after the fact that a decade passed since the last release of these models)

  • @Drangir Are you refering to the grenade launcher and flame thrower? cuase everything we have seen thus far is just weapons from the regular valkir box. While they are labeled as "heavy troopers" for the purpose of clarity in this convo thread I wouldn't call them "heavy trooper" pre-say since its confusing, just refer to them as the regular Valkir set.

    I say this because the Valkir are all technically "heavy troopers" for the eisenkern faction, we often use "heavy" and "support" interchangablly in this forum, and the big rifles were actually an alternet main rifle in the old "regular" Valkir set (I should know since I have 2 "slightly used" ebay condition box sets of them😆). It is a relic from when the plan for Iron Core was it having a ruleset that was heavy on vehicle vs. vehicle combat and therefore probably anti-armor rifles for taking down those pesky shadowkish platforms, that said its still useful for other things and looks dang awesome in the flesh.

    @Mithril2098 I don't remember if there was a melee weapon option in the regular set, but I can check it wouldn't surprise me if it did.

  • i figured since the sculpts were updated and all new sprues being made, a few extra arms might have been snuck on over and above the normal guns for the trooper types. a pistol and a sword would let you do Sargeant types in a lot of skirmish games, and with multiple sprues might even let you do a small unit of melee types without having to wait for a dedicated box to be released.

    though an alternative might be accessories like hostered pistols and some sort of large sheathed knife you could glue on to the troopers. ( i mean, i'd love for both, but eh)

  • Swords&Pistols confirmed. Machineguns, rifles, launchers and flamers from generic set of Valkir confirmed.

    All classic helmets in the sets.

    Good set. Will get ...a few of them

  • Ok, I have no idea why they put this weird filter on the promo image, it makes my head feel like melting. Here is a clear photo:

  • Wonder how many bodies per sprue, and how many per box.

  • @Mithril2098 hopefully 20, but it is power armor and a lot of bits.

  • 3 and 4

  • @Hudson Adams  so only 12 figures per box? Must have a lot of customization.

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