When I was looking at yesterday's email, I saw something about a Heiho game in a box. Now this was my first time hearing of this, and admittedly the very first thought to pop up in my mind was dwar...
When I was looking at yesterday's email, I saw something about a Heiho game in a box. Now this was my first time hearing of this, and admittedly the very first thought to pop up in my mind was dwar...
So, are any coupons that I got from buying tickets from Vox Populi (years ago) still valid or are they expired now?
Don't know why it's necessary to tell an entire company that you won't buy anything American because "Orange Man Bad!" Like, seriously, there is a lot of hysteria over all this and a lot of fearmo...
@Yronimos Whateley Yeah. If WGA ever does a gamefound campaign just for giving different deathfield factions their own power armors that would be so cool.
Hopefully it won't be too big of a change since I've got 10 free sprues of Grognards infantry on order with my Damned Pledge. Granted I would love to see what new stuff would be added.
@Yronimos Whateley Yeah as soon as I saw what the Damned power armored units were going to be like I wanted them.
Yeah a heavily armored version of the Cannon Fodder would be nice to see. Heck, a more heavily armored version of stuff like the Einherjar and Les Grognards would be cool too. It is nice to see ge...
@Yronimos Whateley Yeah, I was wondering if the Napoleonic British Riflemen can be adapted into the Victorian age so I can steampunk them up a bit. Problem is trying to figure out how to make some...
@Mithril2098 Yeah I think if we were to get a Commanche or Apache kit, having options for both the 1800s and the renaissance would work well. Like how the Afgan Warriors and Calvary can be adapted ...
Though granted looking through stuff online and through the Warlord Games Pike and Shotte range (don't know how close English Civil War style is to Tudor Era English style) it seems like there are ...
Since this covers about an entire century. The Imperial Conquests range can cover a lot. So admittedly I've been wondering just how many different era kits can be adapted to this era. WW1 minis se...
@Brian Van De Walker Looks like I know what I'm going to be building half of the conquistadors box as.
There's also the fact that the Plains Nations were not really a monolithic thing. It really depends on which specific Nations you want to focus on and making sure they're accurate to that. Such as ...
@Brian Van De Walker Makes sense. Now I wonder how cross compatable Napoleonic British Riflemen are with WW1 era stuff. Funny thing is that I've just been getting into Fist Full of Lead. I got the...
So I've been looking for rules on WGA to use my Conquistador Models for and...... for Dread Nights I don't know what era it even is, probably late Victorian? So would my British Riflemen even make ...
@Hudson Adams quick question, how long are the vouchers good for? Because I bought some vouchers for modern operators a while ago and I wanted to make sure they were still good.
@Brian Van De Walker I really need to find an archive of that stuff. I don't know if I downloaded the rules for Gold, Glory, and Blood yet.
@Brian Van De Walker What you said about the Conquistadors covering most European infantry is interesting. I have a hard time figuring out how to build Conquistadors as the english but that is prob...
@Brian Van De Walker that is one of the games I am planning on getting into.
Why is it when I think of Landsknechts I think of Centurii Chan?
So I just got a box of conquistadors today and I wanted to figure out what to do with them. I've already come to the decision that I would make four of them into greatsword weilders, and at least 1...
I think one decent expansion to the Renaissance range would be including non-Spanish soldiers from Europe to include..... just about everyone else. I myself am wondering what a historical Tudor Era...
Looks great, I've got a box arriving soon with some foot knights from age of chivalry.
Oh wait, Brian already covered that. Also, why were the conquistador heads cut out? I would have liked to have used those heads for zombie conquistadors since I just got a set of conquistadors tod...
@Yronimos Whateley I'm surprised you forgot about Dracula's America when it comes to the cowboy zombie heads, since that takes place in an America ruled by..... well..... Drac. So there would be pl...
@Brian Van De Walker Yeah, its a shame that we don't have more plastic vehicles. However, I am happy with the three sets we got unlocked in the campaign. I'm just hoping my new card comes soon so I...
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do a one box challenge.
So, apparently there is another range WGA is helping to set up called Marcher: Empires at War. And I am personally excited for this one, I've already contributed a bit to the pledge for the U.S. In...
@Yronimos Whateley I think how you formatted the mad scientist bodies works, since not only could you do an entire faction of mad scientists, you could mix some of those scientists in with your oth...
@Brian Van De Walker You've brought up another issue with the whole Medieval Fantasy Monster Hunter idea. The two biggest games we can think of that are Monster Hunter focused are not set in that t...
As cool as space-mesoamerican lizardmen would be...... I agree with Bryan and Mithril. Where is the market for 10mm aztec lizards? 28mm space aztec lizards would already be stepping on GW's toes un...
I like the idea. I do get why you would be hesitant on using raptors due to how prevalent they are as calvary. Since Bulldogs already has a raptor calvary set you don't have to worry much about tha...
@Tom Kennish Yeah, and there are rules for super humans in the core rules of the skirmish game. My issue had been searching for power armor and weapons that match a space marine's arsenal.
@Yronimos Whateley I never realized that guns were around in medieval warfare that early! So knights with hand cannons and arquebuses would totally work.
@Brian Van De Walker I think a plastic fantasy upgrade sprue for historical ranges would be cool and would help adapt historical ranges into fantasy, since most fantasy cultures are just borrowing ...
@Brian Van De Walker Yeah, given how loaded my free sprues list is with stuff I'm probably going to take forever building, I might just replace most of my ordered boxes with vehicles to run them fo...
I'm going to be putting my two cents into this long and exhausting convo via a numbered list. Monster Hunters. Honestly, I can totally get both sides. Victorian/Pulp Monster Hunters would be sup...
@Mithril2098 The GAU-19 looks cool! Though I can see why WGA went for the 6 barrel since that is the more famous gatling gun in pop culture. My thoughts on it are..... mixed. I can see it working ...
Soooo...... this is news to me. Apparently Five Parsecs from Home is getting their own wargame varient that is compatible with the regular skirmish game.... I. Am. HYPED!!!!! I mean I was already t...
@Andrew Stoeckle Why do these remind me of Warhammer 40k Orks?
So... I'm still trying to figure out how to paint my upcoming damned models. I don't know whether I want to paint them as made space crusaders, steampunk space pirates, or whatever. So I t...
@Brian Van De Walker I second anime like heads. Heck, Anime Heads would be a GREAT upgrade sprue choice. I mean the concept elves we're shown have HUGE chins, so at least make the female elves stan...
@Mithril2098 Yeah I think tactical vests for Cannon Fodder will be great. Man the Stargate Idea is really tempting me.
I wonder if the loinclothes will be optional pieces? I mean I like them, but I kind of do want them to match up with the rest of my firstborn marines in a way.
Honestly, I would love to buy some of the printed stuff since I don't have the space for a 3d printer at all. Which is why I voted for the physical versions one instead of the only interested in ha...
So here's the thing. I was originally planning on making my upcoming Damned miniatures look like lost astronauts from the cold depths of space..... until recently when I realized they wouldn't real...
I wouldn't even know where would be a good start to scratch building buildings.
Honestly, I wouldn't know of any that already have their own ranges like Warlord Games' Konflict 47 and Bolt Action. I mean it would be nice for them to move a chunk of their range from metal to p...
@Estoc Yeah I was thinking the exact thing. I was planning on a Lost and the Damned army for a fan edition of 40k... but I've totaled up the models I would be getting with all the boxes, and it was...