Here is a mixed squad based around a box of Oh Rah showing the mixes I managed.

Far left and far right use Stargrave Merc 2 female torsos with Oh Rah heads and arms. The Knife Wielder with a stargrave trooper blade added to the wrist of an Oh Rah arm. The Medic has a satchel off the WA Lizard sprue.
Inner left and right are 'Vanilla' Oh Rah, the Spotter has AnvInd Mortar heavy Inf arms, the Gunner has an AnvInd Vulcan MG fitted, (I felt the in box support weapon too long).
The scout in the middle is a CF 1 torso and backpack with Oh Rah arms and heads.
A box of Oh Rah, CF1 Torso Sprue, Stargrave Merc 2 sprue, AnvInd Heavy arm Mortar sprue and 2 Anvind VMGs got me a full Xenos Rampant 24pt detatchment of :
- Rifle Squad(10): Cmd* Heavy Inf, Incr Squad, AP, Medic
- Rifle Squad(10): Heavy Inf, Incr Squad, AP
- Mortar Team(5): Support, Artillery, Indirect
- Recon Team(5): Recon, Sniper
And as a bonus some CF1,2 figures added to the Death Fields range from the Bolshevik revolution era.

The troopers use Stargrave Trooper arms, CF1 torsos & backpacks topped off with light infantry heads from a Warlord Games Russian Crimea box.
The officer has a Statuesque Minis head on top of a CF2 figure.
If I'd have painted them dark blue with white caps, they would have looked as though they came from a Honor Harrington novel.