Greetings friends,
This thread is for submissions to the following category
Fantasy - any single figure or diorama you may come up with. Conversions and digital kitbashing are encouraged!
Rules and links to other entries thread can be found in the following linked thread:
Forum username - So we can tie your entry to your account and reward the winner appropriately. You will receive a PM from forum staff with instructions for redeeming your prize if you are able to place in one of the categories. Please remember to check your personal messages and claim your prizes.
Title of entry - Name your work, even something simple such as "Grognards infantryman."
Description of entry - Parts used if a conversion, or if you've come up with any background. Whatever other details you think we should know.
Kelsey Miller
Classic Fantasy Orc Boss - 3d print. Ready to cause trouble for my D&D group....

Marco Viviani.
Calling it done... Halfling paladin, made with Sor Paddock Tidebank, the Orcleaver parts, plus a head from the Halfling Militia sprue!
If you need/want more pictures of him, just let me know! Too bad in this side you can hardly see his cloak. The Halfling Hero .stl can be used as a clever army builder with the right pieces!

David Sjöblom
Title: Classic Fantasy Heroes
Description: Could resist putting together some RPG heroes!
From left to right & what kits they're from:
Cleric; Orthodox Priests
Halfling thief; Dragon Hoard
Wizard; Fantasy Caravan & Monks
Dwarf Warrior; shortened Irish Chieftain
Sorcerer; Ottoman Noble Admirals
Ranger; European Peasants
Bard; European Peasants
Doggo; Farm Animals
Assassin; European Peasants, cloak from The Damned and the ears are custom
Barbarian; Dahomey Agojie
Monk; Fantasy Cultists
Elven Mage; European Peasants body, Monks arms, WW2 French Resistance head and custom ears
Marius Wego
Title: "Somewhere deep under the city..."
Sets used:
- Cthulhu Cultists
- Aztec Sacrifice
- Classic Fantasy Amazons
- Battle of Tollense Bridge
- Sea Peoples

And at least some WIP shots..

Hope you like it. Regards
Forum username - Brendon Sterma
Title of entry - Chaos Frog Knight
Description of entry -
Base: Death Fields N’Glonhgk Infantry
Additional fantasy parts (Sword, Cape and Shield) from Cults and MMF
Printed using PLA on FDM printer.
Default 32mm Scale
Converted the Sci-fi themed N'Glonhgk model into a fantasy armoured antipaladin or heavy infantry unit.
Mirrored pointing hand to convert into a sword arm, and attached cape in-slicer for easier adhesion, scaling and beneficial clipping.
Removed teeth for more appealing smooth-mouth look as they did not print well on FDM

User Name: Georg Dierkes
Title: Raise the green flag
Description: "You are without doubt the greenest pirate I've ever heard of!" "But you have heard of me!"

Forum User Name - Alex McCutcheon
Ser Percival Reginald Halftall - Halfling paladin, scourge of pork lard buttered bread, plague of leftovers, defender of the pilgrims and preventer of second helpings (for others).
(Sor Paddock Tidebank the Orc Cleaver)
I love painting this little guy - tons of character in the face, nice tufty feet, and a lot of fun surface for metallics.

Forum Name : Richard Smeeton