Of Blood and Skulls - my Traitor Guard Regiment

  • As my heretic hands got hold of a box of Valkir, there was no other option than to make some fine Traitor Stormtroopers out of them.

    At first I built the Valkir out of the box, except for the heads, which I took from the Ooh Rah kit. To transform the weapon into a HE Lasgun I simply wired it to the backpack.

    After that they got their Spikes and chaos Symbols. I used pouches from the Valkir themselves, WGA WW2 Italians and WGA WW1 British infantry. The grenades came from Stargrave Troopers and Mercenaries boxes



  • Of course, every proper Regiment needs a noble leader. Or in this case a bloodthirsty a**hole.

    The right arm needed some cutting and repositioning to fit the pose but in the end imho it works out. The Sword is made from a GW Primaris chainsword and a frostgrave demon axe. For the handle I used the Grenadelauncher arm from the valkir kit and some plastic pieces.

    For the head I cut the top off a frostgrave demon head and glued a Ironcore Stormtrooper officer hat on top.

    But what would a Heretic officer be without a standardbearer?? So I made him one.

  • And here is the second squad of cold blooded killers

  • And since I had a STUG collecting dust I decided to use it for this army as a superheavy tankdestroyer

  • And to make use of more stuff I had laying around they got a "little" mascot...

    The base miniature was a 3d printed wendigo I got from my wife. I cut off the head and hands. The Claws are puppetswar.eu powerclaws and the head is a Mix of plastic Straps, Frostgrave Demon shields and two primaris chainswords. The armor is made from ossiarch bonereaper and frostrgrave Demon shiels.

  • Wolfy got painted first

  • And the stormtrooper so far

  • Very nice - I especially enjoyed seeing the creative "misuse" of those demon shields:  they make excellent armor like that, and that armored critter is, I think, the star of this show!  Well done.

  • These bashes are pretty slick; the war wolf looks suitably threatening. I really like how you used the different kits. 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻❤️‍🔥

  • I decided to repaint my Stormtroopers because I wasn't completely satisfied with the paintjob. 

    I would post pictures but everytime I try to I get a notification that my post is saved and waits for approval

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