Hello Wargames Atlantic Legion!
The Month of February is upon us, and with a new month comes a new painting competition for your Atlantic Digital based projects. This months theme is Dioramas and scenes.
We want to see the legion showcase their miniature storytelling skills in the form of creating wonderful scenes and vignettes to showcase their army projects. As this is the Atlantic Digital competition, we will be looking for the best use of Wargames Atlantic Digital STL sets as a majority of the project.
You are not limited by period of genre, so feel free to let your creative juices flow across our entire range!
Submission of entries will close on the 29th of Febuary, and the Winning submissions will be selected by the First week of March.
Prizes will be the value of: 3 boxes to first place 2 boxes to seccond place 1 box for third place Happy creating, we are very excited to see what you make!
As always, please format your entries as below:
Forum name:
Submission name:
Sets used: (optional, can also be merged with the description.)
Forum name: Han Gao
Submission name: Shield maids duel
On Reynisfjara, the "Black Beach", two shield maids found the remaining of long boat at one time. To decide the owner of this treasure, they choose the traditonal Viking way. The winner will have fortune and glory.
Who will be the winner?

Forum name: Thomas Brewer
Submission name: Prussian shock platoon holds hill from Heretic incursion
Description: The crusade has waged for nearly 800 years. The legions of heretics March from the tainted lands. This set depicts one small skirmish amidst the ruins of a meaningless bit of no-man's-land. A hardened Prussian lieutenant, a pain-hungry heretic priest, and their retinues vie for scraps in a brutal and wartorn realm.
Sets used: german trench raiders, german hmg team, german naval party, Russian command, wierd war 1 conversion bits, fantasy cultists, ww2 chinese, cthulhu cultists, fantasy rhinomen, priests, ww2 female partisans, ww1 Russian hmg team, pirates

Forum Name: Fiere Fluyter
Submission Name: The Pale Death of the Saracens
Description: After centuries of being under the yoke of Muslim invasions the Byzantine General Nicephoros II Phocas (912-969), nicknamed the Pale Death of the Saracens, rebuilt the Byzantine armies around a core of elite cataphract cavalry that routed the Muslim armies time and time again and assured that the Byzantine Empire would be the dominant force of the tenth century.
Used sets: Wargame Atlantic Digital Late Roman Cataphracts + Wargames Atlantic Digital Early Arab Spearmen
The horses are from Reconquerer Designs.

Forum Name: Georg Dierkes
Submission Name: Flee, you fools!
Description: A small diorama in the world of "The last of us". A family flee at night from a horde of clickers.
Used sets: Fleeing Civilians

Forum name: Dragon Wyrm
Submission name: Ideological Discourse
Description: The idea behind this diorama was the ideological discourse between an abbot and a cult leader. They discuss the differences in dealing with live sacrifices while referencing their holy books and enjoying a good smoke. The sacrifice isn't too happy about this.
There is a mural depicting a merging of the two beliefs while above the window is a relief of the same creature. On the other side of the mural is a corridor with a carpet and a painting of Cardinal Richelieu. With an exhausted ghost lying under it. There is no visible door.
Meanwhile, a policeman has gotten a tip about screams coming from this area of the monastery/temple. Noticing that there is an unmapped space with no door to it he is knocking on the wall to find an entrance.
This diorama is modular to allow for changing of the scene. For example, removing the Victorian policeman will make the time period ambiguous.
The materials used were: Foam, Foam Core, Polystyrene Sheets and Apoxy Sculpt.
Sets and Parts Used:
- Classic Fantasy Cultist: Female victim and Head with forehead eye
- Cthulhu Cultists: Hand with cthulhu book.
- Vlad Dracul & the Turks: Corpse
- Monks: Monk head and Hand reading bible
- Classic Fantasy Caravan: Chair for sitting wizard, Sitting wizard body (to which I added the cowl part with Apoxy Sculpt) and Pipe hand (one is shortened and both have smoke removed).
- Victorian Police: Policeman knocking on door

Forum name: John Sullins
Submission name: Xerxes Triumphant
Description: an alternative history scenario where Xerxes is presented the head of Themistocles while seated on the throne he had built so he could watch the naval battle of Salamis from the clifs above the beach.
Sets used: "What if?" Xerxes Trimumpant.