Imperial Guard Project

  • After a somewhat longer crusade in the trenches I'm back at my personal favourite kitbash theme: homebrew Imperial Guard Regiments.

    The first Trio is made from leftovers of All my different projects (but more are on the way as I write this). I used Ooh Rah bodies, WW2 Italian heads and upgrade Sprue weapons. In addition to this the leader wields a grognard sabre.

    Last but not least a comparison shoot with one of his adversaries. What I like about the more realistic proportions and the less heroic approach is that Astartes really tower over mortals.

  • Really love what you did with these! 

  • @Hudson Adams thanks Hudson. I really appreciate that WGA is giving kitbashers endless possibilities.

    The whole bunch ready for priming

  • @Andreas Mayrhofer Hell, yeah, those look excellent!  I agree with you 100% about the proportions.  The only thing I like about the Primaris is their size; Astartes should have always been that big.

  • Laying down the first baselayers

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