Theme for May 2024 releases?

  • I'm not sure if I just missed the announcement somewhere, but what is the theme of the May releases this year?

    So far the sets don't seem to fit into a single, coherent theme at all...

  • We're getting away from themes for a little bit because there has been a general clamor to flesh out the units/armies that are already in the digital ranges. So we're trying to build more complete ranges first before geting back to the themes. 

  • @Hudson Adams thats good, I think it would be a good idea to focus on the ones no one else is doing that you have in the library. Like non-European Armies, things that are not major WW2 powers and other things truely neglected.

    Except Death Fields, which honestly should either just focus on the six factions you have plastic for at this point (maybe minus the ogres most of the time and replace them with powerarmor), or you should play around more with vehicle ideas.

  • I thought that might have been what's going on. 

    @Hudson Adams Hmmm... now that Might of Rome is a store category, are we getting a thirteenth monthly digital set? ;)

  • @Mark Dewis Might of Rome may not go beyond what it is now. At least not for quite some time. So no digital plans for it. Maybe someday. 

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