Now you got me curious 👀

I'm really curious. I really like the current set, but I have some issues with it - I'm not the fan of sci-fi musket design, I'm not entirely sure what's going on with this weapons parts. The bayonet has nice shape but is very wide. The scale seems a little off, but it's probably because I work with WWI set and DF minis looks like Cadians aside them ;) Can't wait to see what you're cooking, hoping for the big frames, Ooh-ra style!
Hopefully it won't be too big of a change since I've got 10 free sprues of Grognards infantry on order with my Damned Pledge. Granted I would love to see what new stuff would be added.
I'm 99% sure style wise and proportions will be compatible. Cleaning up some bits design side and switching format to big frame would be a win, even if I just got my box off them.
iirc one of the emails had a teaser of a new grognard sculpt, which at the time had been speculated to be some sort of heavier trooper kit or something..

Mystery resolved!
We get a big sprue with 4 bodies (additional pose) and all male head variants that was before put on a small sprue.
Good move, doesn't incentive fear of missing out if you already got Grognards ^^
I'm honestly hoping they come out with some good officers/Marshals for the set. Would love a good Ursala Creed or Lord Solar proxy!