Set Suggestion: Modular Space Fleet Officers and Crew

  • Hey all!

    As the title suggests, I'd love to see a set of modular officers and crew for a space fleet.

    Star Wars-style Imperial navy officer bodies - Male and Female
    Longcoat-space royal navy bodies - Male and female
    Nasapunk bodies - Loose and baggy, unibody (Cannon fodder with some armor plates?)

    Arms (shoulders)
    Plain/rounded shoulders - combined with Imperial navy would work for Star Trek style crew
    Sharp corner shoulders - Generic space navy/Imperial navy officers
    Fringe epaulet shoulders - Space royal navy/fancy space navy
    Nasapunk arms

    Also suggest fun things in hands; tea cup, swords, cigars, pcoketwatches, etc.

    Peaked caps - male and female
    Fancy/professional - Beards/mustaches for male heads, professional buns any ponytails for females, monocle options for everybody
    Bubble helmets

    For any of these, I'd strongly encourage the widest head compatibility possible, especially with the alien heads STL set. They are amazing heads, but they can interfere with some of the current range of bodies. Keeping these compatible for alien space navy crew and officers would be a nice touch.

  • @Greaver Blade "Nasapunk" sounds like the male and female Cannon fodder bodies we already have, maybe a more  armored astronaut/cosmonaut body for their heavy troopers?

    Infact not to knock it but I would say this is already covered one way or another by what WA has and is kinda of coals to newcastle.

  • @Brian Van De Walker Slap enough kits together and I can make something work. But more dedicated would be nice.

    I agree on the Nasapunk stuff; I'd love some armor pieces to put on the bodies that were specifically compatible with the models, though the big visible zippers might be a bad idea in vacuum.

    I'm really leaning more towards the Star Wars/Star Trek style models, or even a more sci-fi version of the HMS Captain and Ship Doctor.

    For now I guess I see what sci-fi weapon arms I can reasonably stick on the US Navy Landing Party and British Naval Brigade (both sets that could really use some officers to round them out). I'll get Honor Harrington and some crew worked up eventually!

    Addendum: I absolutely love "coals to Newcastle". I'm way too American to have run into that before, so I appreciate the usage.

  • I'd love to see more generic sci-fi kits.  Not sure if you've heard of it yet, but I believe that a wargame or RPG themed on the "Expanse" TV show successfully crowd-funded a couple months ago, and will include some plastic mini kits produced by Wargames Atlantic, which looks they'll be just a bit closer to Cyberpunk than Starfleet, but might still cover some of this ground:

    Between WA's Cannon Fodder, Ooh-Rah, Expanse crewmen, the WA "Iron Core" and "Reptilian Overloards SpaceNam" sets, North Star's "Stargrave" sets, the sci-fi side of Archon's "Dungeons & Lasers" stuff, and whatever "Chronoscope" sci-fi stuff Reaper still has in plastic, it's nice to see traditional sci-fi gamers getting at least a little love in inexpensive plastic.  (WA's other Death Fields sets are icing on the sci-fi cake!)

    And, speaking of "Iron Core", it sounds like Wargames Atlantic is still working with the Iron Core license with new sets for it in the pipeline - keep an eye open for those!  Before the license moved to WA, there were (I think) sets that included long-coat officers with peaked caps that looked pretty darned close Star Wars Imperial officers... those sets are no longer in print, but with any luck, maybe reprints from WA are on the menu!  (The Iron Core Valkyries look like they've just been announced and/or released by WA, and I'm hoping some version of the old Iron Core accessories/command sets, which included tons of special weapons, gear, crates, and robot mules, might appear some day - I find all sorts of little uses for the bits from those all the time!)


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