Hey all!
As the title suggests, I'd love to see a set of modular officers and crew for a space fleet.
Star Wars-style Imperial navy officer bodies - Male and Female
Longcoat-space royal navy bodies - Male and female
Nasapunk bodies - Loose and baggy, unibody (Cannon fodder with some armor plates?)
Arms (shoulders)
Plain/rounded shoulders - combined with Imperial navy would work for Star Trek style crew
Sharp corner shoulders - Generic space navy/Imperial navy officers
Fringe epaulet shoulders - Space royal navy/fancy space navy
Nasapunk arms
Also suggest fun things in hands; tea cup, swords, cigars, pcoketwatches, etc.
Peaked caps - male and female
Fancy/professional - Beards/mustaches for male heads, professional buns any ponytails for females, monocle options for everybody
Bubble helmets
For any of these, I'd strongly encourage the widest head compatibility possible, especially with the alien heads STL set. They are amazing heads, but they can interfere with some of the current range of bodies. Keeping these compatible for alien space navy crew and officers would be a nice touch.