June-July Painting Competition - Plastics

  • Greetings Legionaries,

    The Wargames Atlantic Painting Contests return, this time with the theme of "Rally the troops!"

    The object of this contest theme is to test your hobby mettle. Build and paint a group of figures that evokes a leader rallying his men to battle. Henry V with the St. Crispins Day speech, a samurai lord ordering his vassals to charge, or a Roman legion rallying around their banners to push back the enemy.

    Your entry does not have to be in the form of a diorama, and could be individually based or made as a unit filler. Minimum entry containing 3 models - 1 leader or main figure, and at least 2 troops figures.

    This contest is for plastics products. There is a separate contest open for Wargames Atlantic Digital

    Entries should be submitted by 11:59 Friday July 12th.

    Wargames Atlantic is now opening this thread as a secondary entry point. You can either post your entries here in the comments below or email the email listed.

    Please submit entries to digital@wargamesatlantic.com


    Entries should be formatted as such

    Subject: [Name]'s Entry for the April Atlantic Digital Painting Competition.

    In the main body, you should put

    Your name,

    a title for your entry if you have one,

    what kits you used in your entry,

    and a description (or simply why you think it's cool.)


    Voting will be held internally by the Atlantic Digital team, and winners will be announced  after the submission period closes.

    First place will win two boxed sets of their choice from our plastic ranges and be featured on our articles and news blog.

    Second place will win one box and be featured on our articles and news blog.

    Third place will win one box and be featured on our articles and news blog.


    The team can't wait to see what you create.


    Happy Wargaming!

    The Wargames Atlantic Team

  • Is there any restriction as to what constitutes a "Troop"?

  • @Miyuso No, you could convert something.

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