We're going SMALL and so you can have BIG battles!
We're going SMALL and so you can have BIG battles!
Thrilled by this!
So thrilled you guys are doing 10mm scale. Rank on rank of 10mm minis really give the impression of mass combat. I hope Duong is able to work on the Vietnamese army that defeated the Mongols, so people discover and research this very interesting conflict.
10mm is easy to paint, make terrain for, and game with. The miniature to price ratio is also very attractive. An army ten times or more the size, can be bought for an equivalent expenditure. Most of all though nothing prepares you for the sheer spectical of a couple thousand miniatures ranked up into units of eighty or more men.
I have 10mm armies of Mongols (looking for many more of these), Imperial Romans, and Lizardmen. Each of these, despite being hundreds strong, fit on a single shelf, so storage and transportation are another big plus for the scale. Finally I might be able to convince some of the gaming group to try 10mm gaming.
Thank you Wargames Atlantic.
We love the size for all these reasons. Having ranges in both 10s and 28s will allow our rules team to do some interesting things with skirmish and large battles as well as we build up the ranges.
Thoughts on having Ships available in this scale, even if it's Digital?
@Miyuso Hmmm, ships would be awesome for conflicts in Asia.
Having never played a 10mm game, what rulesets are out there for this time period and army? I'd like to get an idea of how I want to base them.
@Inquisdrknss killer katanas, basic impetus 2, impetus 2, Armati has samurai lists I think, battles in the age of war (peter pig) I am going to use sword and spear. It does not have a list for samurai but there is a points formula to make your own
@Hudson Adams I love where you're going with the orc teasers! Looking forward to these!
Thanks! Lots more to come!
@Inquisdrknss I'm going to use them with Triumph! rules.