Assembling the undead cavalry

  • Dumb question, but I was looking for ideas on how to attach the riders to the horse from the undead cavalry pack.  There doesn't seem to be anything sculpted to assist - no nubs, saddles, or anything that looks moulded to fit.

    I mean I know I can 1) trust glue & blind luck, 2) use a small dollop of a green stuff equivalent to help with #1 or 3) sculpt something, with increasing amounts of effort.

    I was just curious if anyone else has gone down this path (assembling the cavalry) and had a clever idea.

  • After a few attempts to get the skeletons to attach to the horse, I used some folded-over greenstuff to make a saddle. It was the only way to get enough contact for the rider to stay on.

  • Just use plastic solvent and you can position and "mush" into place with the benefit of fusing the parts together. 

  • I picked a point where the rider would naturally sit if not on a saddle, and used a drop of testors glue. I held the rider to the horse until the glue had partially set, then stood the figure against a tall piece, either another model or a glue bottle, to keep it steady as it fully set.

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