Alchemyst attempt

  • Hello,

    New here, i’ve started messing around with several pieces, to create an "Alchemyst" kind of army. My plan is to play Hobgoblin mainly (i’m in love with Gaslands already), and a few OPR maybe.

    Inside all Wargames Atlantic boxes, I’d like more "specials" in each, example 5 sprues with generic troops and one sprue of special stuff, banners, weirdos, etc, to create captain, mage, necro, support and all.

    This guy has a squely body, gaslizard head, three arms (dead with a sword, lizard with a cut human head in the hand, and spider mecaleg). I cut a limb of the dino (random toy shop dino) to replace it with Harvester, and add a spiky ball from random toy on the tail.


  • My journey continues, where i learn how to "do miniatures", as a novice-ish. I made a video in french, hope it’s alright to post it here ? If not, feel free to edit or tell me.

  • what is "Alchemyst"?

  • @Mithril2098 I have no idea ! But thanks for asking.

    It’s for the game Hobgoblin, miniatures agnostic Rank&Flank game, from the creator of Gaslands, Mike Hutchinson.

    In my mind, it’s a Frankenstein-ish faction, made from the wasted experimentations of the Alchemyst. Who is the Alchemyst ? Someone deep underground, doing things, i guess. When the Alchemyst fails, the wastes are disposed away, but the missshaped things are still... alive.

    So, it’s based on Undead skeleton stuff because the Alchemyst needs raw material, but also based on anything that may live in the underground world. Prisoners, tortured souls, weird creatures, wildlife, other inhabitants, pieces of that, chips of this...

    That’s my idea of the Alchemyst army.

  • That’s my Alchemist army so far, for the game Hobgoblin, at 3000 points.

    We can see here : artillery (narrow), chariot (wide), heay infantry (wide), monster (narrow), beast (wide), monstruous infantry (narrow) and light infantry (horde).

    I’ve actually renamed it now, "Les incidences du Fossoyeur". Meaning something like, the mistakes/consequences of the gravedigger.

  • Great idea!  You might find some of Reaper's older "Bones" plastic minis useful for this purpose:  the older plastic Bones figures are generally pretty inexpensive in Reaper's online store and on your favorite online auction site, and include some handy golems, mutants, aberrations, undead, and Cthulhu monsters that seem likely to fit the theme here!  In my experience, they mix well in projects with bits from WA's plastic kits - regular CA "wacky glue" cement joins the two plastics together really well, and plenty of Reaper's models include tentacles, claws, deformed/twisted/broken bodies, and so on to work with. Reaper's "Flesh Golem" figures are essentially generic Frankenstein monsters, and I bet you'd think of a great use or two for the "Brain in a Jar" figure:

    For what it's worth, Reaper Bones "Ghast" figures head-swap really easily and cleanly with the gas-mask heads from WA's Classic Fantasy Lizard-Men, for weird-science mutants....

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