My one wish for the Alien Cannon Fodder...

  • If we could have a closed mouth snake head without the stupid looking dinky little helmet ontop of the head. The thing looks ridiculous and unfortunately it's not a part you can go into blender, click on the model, click seperate parts and just remove with sculpted detail underneath.

    The set would have been perfect for me if not for that one stupid helmet however it seems we don't often get updates to older digital only packs...

  • @Luke Ferris Going to be honest they look like they are mutants that came out of the goofy TMNT style cartoons from 90's, not aliens. I would have prefered something more like  Xenomorph and Pred but in the jumpsuits.

  • I kinda agree:  I tend to prefer my sci-fi a bit darker-and-grittier than this set runs toward, even when I'm in the mood for something flavored in mid-20th century space opera kitsch.

    But, this set does have its charms for me - those insect mutants are cool enough that I might have been tempted to impulse-buy a box full of them if there were such a thing, for example. 

    And the space-otter guy looks like he'd make the best gonzo comic book sci-fi sidekick ever.

    I'd give the set a pass for the insect guys and otter-men alone.

    On the other hand, I can't sing the praises of this related set of digital alien heads enough - my only complaint is that the variety is excellent, but there's only one of each of the alien types in each set, so it requires a lot of sets to outfit an alien faction, and there wouldn't be any variety in expressions, etc.:


    There might even be some options there that would improve over the offending TMNT head!

  • @Brian Van De Walker The problem is I'm looking for Xcom 2 style Vipers as Elites for an army. Something like this:

    However finding models that match that vibe that that aren't monopose singular models is kinda hard/impossible.

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