Looking for Tips for Painting Resin Miniatures ??

  • Hi everyone,

    I am new to painting resin miniatures and could use some advice:. I recently picked up a few figures from Wargames Atlantic.., and I want to make sure I get the best results:. I have heard that painting resin can be a bit different from plastic or metal.

    Here are a few questions I have ::-

    Surface Preparation: Do I need to do anything special to prep the resin before painting: ?? I have heard about washing the miniatures how important is this step: ??
    Primer Choice: What type of primer works best for resin miniatures: ?? I have seen suggestions for both spray primers and brush--on primers. Which one do you prefer: ??
    Paint Types: Are there specific types of paints or brands that work better with resin: ?? I am looking for something that provides good coverage and durability.
    Tips for Detail Work: Any advice for getting into the small details and achieving a smooth finish: ??

    I also read this guide https://creative-beast.com/5-paint-tips-a-guide-to-painting-resin-models-azure-admin/ but looking for more interesting tips and tricks.

    I appreciate any tips or recommendations you can share..!

    Thanks in advance...! ๐Ÿ™

  • with resin, you always want to wash the miniatures. just dish soap and water, with a bit of a light scrub with a toothbrush will suffice really. if it is cast resin, it'll have mould release agent on it, and that can keep the primer and paint from sticking properly. a wash and a dry fixes that. it'll also wash off any skin-oils from handling and any dust it might have picked up in transit and/or storage. which is why you should do it for 3D print resin minis too, even though they won't have mould release agent on them.

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