Version of the German ww1 cavalry without gas mask straps around the neck

  • I think your digital sets of the german ww1 cavalry (mounted and dismounted) are great! Many thanks for that! The cool thing about the design is that you have a lot of possibilities to mix and match. There's just one thing that constantly irritates and bothers me. Practically all the bodies in both sets have a gas mask strap around the neck. Is there a possibility that you could provide variants of the bodies without this straps? Or a multishell version that you could modify yourself? I apologise if this comes across as impertinent or ungrateful. You produce insanely good stuff and I'm a big fan of yours! It's just that I really like these two sets and would like to use them for my projects. Thank you very much and best regards.

  • I would like to relativise my post. Historically, your solution with the cord around the neck is completely correct. The German cavalry wore their gas masks around their necks like this at the end of the First World War (often in a canister). Even though I would have liked to have these models without this cord for my own kitbashing, I can't expect you to change your models. I'm a big fan of your models and certainly didn't want to come across as ungrateful or rude! Thank you very much for your great digital miniatures! Maybe one more question here in the round. Does anyone of you have an idea where to find a stl for German (or similar) gas mask canisters? 

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