Weird Sci-fi space explore team?

  • So I have a fun idea for a unique death fields team.
    Imagine this - a team made of lost void explorers. Think clunky space suits, almost leaning into diving suit, Armored but if there's any enhancement it's not up to power armor standards. Faceless helms and flight packs - mostly for zero-G movement, but limited use planetside.
    Really lean into the sci-fi weapons. No gunpowder, just ray rifles, with vents and retro radiators to give a weird sci-fi feel. Maybe things like the melee weapons look to be industrial, like instead of a power gauntlet we get an arm mounted industrial tool, or the leader's pistol is mounted on their Vambrace.
    And play up the mystery of never seeing any of them with their visors open. Nobody knows much about them, or even if they're still human anymore. 
    Alternatively, one might lean into the void raider theme, give them dynamic, leaping into flight leg poses, give them small energy blasters on their wrists like gunslinger astronauts, save the special weapons. Like a force that drops from the sky, blasting and looting what tech they need.
    Heavy weapons could have bulkier packs and exoskeleton support for the weight when landed, so the weapons could be mounted on the shoulders. Pretty out there, but it would be unique.
    We'd probably get less figures in the box given the goodies, but I feel the end result would still be worth the extras. What do you all think?

  • Personally I think they need to do more non-human options that are not "Classic fantasy races in space" after the Damned get done in plastic and this idea is not out of line with accomplishing that. 

    Maybe instead of just a mystery science team, make them an alien exploratory force/science corp/science expedition, with the backstory that they are an "unbacked team" that is actually in the circuit by accident because they are lost: Thier navigational computer is dead, they don't speak any of the known "true civilization" languages so they can't ask for directions, and they have a horrible sense of direction that is equal to Ryoga Hibiki’s epic inability to get from point A to point B😆. Yeah, really lost in space🤣.

    Of course the original "humie science team" idea you had could honestly be done as a non-Death Fields set and the start of a new SciFi line more believably lore wise, which would not be a bad idea. Frankly Death Fields is more "Battle tournaments in space" than good adventure SciFi which is a pretty big niche now thanks to starfinder and Stargrave (not to mention all the other SciFi TTRPGs), plus if done in WA's non Death Field normal "historical scale" it would work great with the Iron Core sets and other historical scale sets for time travel nonsense and probably get more of the parts you want on the sprue with less sacrifice to the number of bodies (less chunky proportions equals more stuff on the sprue).


  • It doesn't seem like the kind of thing that will sell in large numbers, which a hard plastic kit needs to do. Definitely a more niche product, better suited to 3d prints or potentially metal. Off of the top of my head I can think of a few things that are already close-ish to what you describe, and the Cannon Fodder could make for a reasonable approximation, barring some of the more fanciful weapons you describe.

  • aside from the retro-scifi weapons, you could get fairly close by putting cannonfodder spacesuit heads onto the Eisenkern armors.

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