Our forum uses the same registration and login as our store so if you're already a customer just click "Login" above and get started! (Please note: once logged into the forum you can change your name to whatever handle you'd like, upload a picture, etc. and it won't effect your store account.)
If you're not already a customer, you'll just need to register with your name and email. Just click "Login" and click "Create account". Then once you're logged in just click on "The Legion" link in the site menu and you'll be back here to post.
Now that you've logged in...introduce yourself below!
How do you change your name for the forum, i can't see any obvious way to do so?
@Anthony Caryl just click your name on the right side.
@Anthony Caryl from the main forum page you click on your name (right side)

Thank you I am excited for more Classic Fantasy and Romans.
@Judge Doug Cheers that's done it
Thanks for the invitation!
On my phone, my name does not appear on the right side like that. I clicked on my name and went to the profile page and edit profile.
On the phone the 3 line Snake-Eyes tatoo menu icon at top left you can Login there too.
A giraffe reporting for duty...
Feel free to ask about any terrain tips etc...
Jello everyone. I believe someone mentioned give aways and forum content so here I am. Will post some wips and finished stuff when I get the chance.
Howdy folks! I don't talk too much but I do stalk around for ideas and painting tips.
Hello. I'm here to win free stuff and find out where the female ECW zombie cavalry have got to.
Hello gang. Warges Atlantic have great minis! Here for painting ideas, kit bashing, and conversion
Greetings fellow Wargames Atlantic enthusiasts! I have been highly impressed by many of Wargames Atlantic’s plastic kits thus far, and am eagerly anticipating those yet to come!
Most recently I’ve become enamoured with Ancients and Dark Ages historical gaming through SPQR and Ravenfeast respectively, and thus I will spend most of my time here discussing those games (including my own fan-made expansions!) and WA releases for the Ancient Empires, Decline and Fall and Blood Oaths ranges. I look forward to getting into some serious historical discussions with you all!