My partner let me co-opt a desk we weren't using as a hobby space. This was all just storage before, but I've cleaned it up. From humble beginnings....

The cabinets up above contain various odds and ends - a dremel, some screwdrivers, a respirator, popsicle sticks, the beginnings of some bits bags, old computer stuff, the list goes on. I've also got future projects, namely some Gunpla and some parts for an arcade stick I wanted to work on some time. I have an arcade stick that I was going to use for the project, but it's quite a good one (a Hori Real Arcade Pro 4 Kai), so I decided rather keep it stock. I'll probably buy another Qanba Carbon for that project. Arcade stick mods are not that difficult - just a matter of parts swaps that usually don't need soldering - but I'd like to get into electronics proper some day.
I'm happy to say that I've got some orders of various miniatures spread across a few stores (including WA's store, of course!) that I'm looking forward to adding to the boxes on the right.

Bonus picture! This is the first completed project in the new hobby space. This is a "Nobell Gundam", and it's quite a fun and dynamic build. I've been holding onto the kit for about as long as I stopped doing hobby stuff the first time (about 7 years, give or take), so it had to be the inaugural build for my return. She will provide encouragement for years to come.
Planned upgrades? I need a better lighting situation. Probably some LED taplights under the cabinets. I'd also like to get some desk shelving to put projects and tools on. It will all come in time. I'm excited to keep going!