Core Lore...

  • I'm curious where or even if there is more extensive lore surrounding the Iron Core universe than was posted on the old Dreamforge site. Is the any substantive fiction within the universe or is it mostly unfleshed?

  • I can't think of any publicly available beyond the map and PDFs on the site though the creator likely has more as unsorted notes and art pieces (ie see if Mark Mondragon has a DeviantArt page). This is not really  surprising since it was almost a one man show and never really made it beyond that, though to be frank it was pretty awsome setting idea and I did suggest to Mark back on the gravstug KS that he should conseder trying to sell it to Bandai or someone of that nature, it had all the earmarks of an anime series with model kit lines waiting to happen.

    That said, with the map and what info that is there you could do a fan made stargrunt II campaign setting though you would have to proxy most of the factions at this point.

  • @Brian Van De Walker thats sad really, as there was good potentialand it was rather unique. Hopefully he'll get it fleshed out for us.


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