Is it just me, or if you cut off the bayonet and tip of the barrel on the rifles it suddenly takes it from an Imperial Guard Lasgun vibe to a more Colonial Marines Pulse Rifle feel? I think I like it more.
I also think it opens more flexibility in the sprue. For example I can trim less, use two cut bayonet hilts (as a bipod), and the drum magazine to make a distinctive SAW.

Or I can just take the bayonet and add the scope and scouts/snipers look like they have a dedicated sniper rifle compared to the regulars.

Great idea. It does completely change the look and feel.
It does have a pulse rifle feel. It also reminds me of the HK G11.

The squad automatic weapon and sniper rifle are neat conversions as well.
Great idea! I am not a fan of the weapon in its stock form but your modifications do help sell me on it.
@Grumpy Gnome I initially had some hesitation about them, but when I got my hands on them in person I've really enjoyed the kit. There is actually definition for a vest sculpted into them. When the vest is painted to contrast with the uniform and the gun is cut down to the pulse rifle variant, I feel they go from mooks in surplus coveralls to professional soldiers (or at least reasonably equiped soldiers).

They kind of remind me of Rogue Trader era Guard with newer style Laguns. This is a good thing from my point of view.

I had a similar idea: cut the barrel (and maybe the magazine) and *poof!* the rifle becomes a shotgun!
@Forrest Wentworth The kit I think is great. The coverall torsos are so versatile. I have a lot of ideas for them but it is the weapons in that kit that do not appeal to me. Your conversion helps with that, so thanks!
@Benjamin Hayward

Or add the drum magazine and it looks a lot like an AA-12.
(Love this guy's videos)
Accept no substitute if you get snatched from your world and have to fight aliens on a strange planet.