Finally managed to get one of my box o' skelleis finished. A few more are close to completion.
Here's an archer - the square base is to allow him for use in Wargods or Dragon Rampant (or whatever new ruleset comes along and grabs me).

Hopefully a couple of hoplite types to come soon.
Looking good. Nice basing!
I base everything pre WW1 and fantasy on square bases too. Just gives you more options.
Looking forward to seeing the more Hoplite style ones....
That looks freaking lovely! How did you do the bone?
Thansk for the kind words.
I pretty much went off the instructions from an old WSS video:
These were a great series and it's a real shame they fell by the wayside.
It's a 'work intensive' sort of way to do it with a number of layers of highlighting which takes a while wth a full skeletion but the time and effort is rewarded, I think.
Finally got the next two photographed:

Having trouble adding multiple images so sorry for serial posting.

Finally, rear view. Shields are freehand and then weathered to look (I hope) old and just-unearthed.

After the first two pictures I was going to ask you which decals you used. The designs are great and the freehand is impressive! Weathering looks really good as well.
Great looking skellies, Thanks for sharing these.
Nicely done on the Octopus Shield!

Reference posting multiple pictures:
Try hitting the return button a couple times and then going back up to paste in the picture. You need to "create room" below the new picture before you insert it, or you won't be able to type/insert anymore pictures below it. I hope that makes sense.
Thanks for the kind word and advice. I really did find it a bit of trial and error to post photos here (hence the size differences) and will try tour advice next time I get a few more of these bony wariors finished.