@Steven StGeorges - Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but yes, as Blutze says, these goblins are in the GW Goblin height range - smaller than WGA's goblins, but taller than Snotlings.
If it helps, Reaper used to include "M" or "B" cubes (short for "Metal" or "Bones" plastic, as shown) in the lower-left corner of the photo, to indicate size - the cubes are 1/4" (just a hair over 6mm).
Later, for a time, Reaper would use a scale to the right of the figures - I think the scale is in 1/2 inch (?) increments, as seen with these gremlins, which might be just about snotling-sized, IIRC:

(The scales were a great idea, but unfortunately I haven't been seeing them in photos of the newest figures!)
So, these gremlins might be close to what you're looking for - there's only four poses, but the plastic is easy to cut-and-paste and otherwise modify with reposing, weapons swaps, and the like. If nothing else, they might help fill in a mob led by more official snotlings.
Caesar miniatures - a China-based manufacturer of 1/72 soft plastic wargaming minis - for a time produced fantasy wargaming minis in that scale, with the result of orcs that were Goblin-sized, and goblins that were pretty darned tiny. Sadly, I don't think these are being manufactured anymore, but you might be lucky enough to spot some on an auction site or something. (Caesar wasn't the only company to do this, and you might find their competion's 1/72 plastic fantasy figures here and there, but I don't know a lot about those..) Caesar's figures, if you can find them, were interesting: they were produced in a nice old-school, retro '70s and '80s style of sculpting and design, of the sort you'd see in RPG illustrations before Warhammer, WotC, and Warcraft codified the modern "generic fantasy" style - I rather liked that retro aesthetic! (Plastic Soldier Review for pictures and other details.) In that scale, with a little creativity, you could get not just dirt-cheap snotlings, but also dirt-cheap elves to convert into sprites and fairies, dirt-cheap gnome/halfling/goblin-sized skeletons, and more.....