Are you ready to take the highway to the danger zone? Are you ready to take an explosion of awesome to the face?
Then take yourself to Top Gun: Maverick.

I just saw it in IMAX and it was pretty damn sweet. Is it the greatest film in the history of film making? ... well, no. But it's visually awesome, action packed, and succeeds in story telling. There's a couple parts that will get you right in the feels. Well worth a see on the big screen.

I keep hearing positive reviews. The original is a classic as far as I am concerned to hear it has surpassed that is a pleasant surprise.
Nice to have two bites at the cherry, so to speak. Cheers Guys
I'm not a fan of the original, but this is a phenomenal movie!
Top Gun is a terrible movie. Top Gun: Maverick is very good.
@Benjamin Hayward @Danforth Laertes
What! What! What! ;)

The F-14 cures ED in men and infertility in women. This is science.

I have to agree that I thought Top Gun was a great movie. I remember loving it as a kid, and that seemed to be a pretty common opinion. I havent seen the new one, and while I probably will at some point, I am not really chomping at the bit to see it either. Not sure why though.
@JTam it just goes to show what a fantastic movie this is, that even people who don't care for the original like it. I wasn't expecting to hate Maverick, but I didn't have super-high expectations, either, but I walked out of that theater f***ing LOVING this movie!
@Benjamin Hayward
I knew it was going to be a great movie when a mid 20's white female I met at the airport was talking about how awesome it was and how she wanted to see it again.
She's not wearing nostalgia glasses. (Too young.)
She's probably not generally interested in jet planes or action movies.
It means the movie is just GOOD.
You know you're among friends when Maverick gets a thread like this 😍
I find it funny people do not like the original and the second one is just an expanded remake of it.
Magnificent film. Hangman steals the movie in my opinion.
WGA needs to make pilot figures so we can play steal the F-14!
@JTam @William Redford @Bill Thomas W e have been debateing since Batman weather to return to the cinema or not. Now Eileen`s Knee as poped out, we have had our minds made up for us. Vidieos of Batman, Maverick, Jurasic World etc will be watched at home with wine and popcorn.
@Geoff Maybury I went on father's day with my son, Nick. We saw Jurrasic world. It had been a while before that. We went to the cheap theatre, which is non-reclining seats and teh older screen. It was teh closest to my house. a little rural theatre surrounded by farms (but with more apartments popping up near it). The theatre itself was cheap... I think $5/ each. but with the Large popcorn and Drink was still $26... Honestly its more comfortable in your home and you dont have to deal with people.
Incidently, we saw Jurrasic world. Not great, but worth seeing.
@William Redford Price is an issue we prefare the old cheeper cinema`s, they are quiter and most important, more comfortable. That being our priority issue over every thing. If Eileen and myself, to a degree, can`t get comfey forget it, might as well go home. Glad you liked the film.
Just came back from seeing Topgun with the family. On the 4th of July! Good movie. Fun time was had by all.
I'm going to have to go against the grain and not rave about it. For my money, the original was far better.
Especially, I just couldn't get behind the mission, which was pretty ridiculous. And basically ripped off from Star Wars.