A Robot faction would be a great addition to the Death Fields. I really like the generic robot men from the Will Smith movie I Robot. Not the advance model that goes on a rampage. I mean the older models.

You could do sets with armed and unarmed robots, and some robots on tracks ( like the one in the Lost in Space movie) or wheels. Big guys like the LiS robot, and smaller ones like Wall E.
You could also do hover bots, like the ones in the Black Hole movie.
The possibilities are endless, and they would have great value to players of Death Fields and RPgers.
Just avoid making them look like Terminators or Necrons.
I agree with this. The robots in Will Smith/s I-Robot are pretty nice looking. The robots in the Total Recall remake were similar and also good.
If you make them human size and shape, then in theory you could even use them in fantasy (with the right weapon swap and paint job). They could be similar to the iron golem type creations like the yotian soldiers from Magic the Gathering, or the Warforged from Eberron.

@Stephen Rodgers @William Redford with you all the way good sensible styled robots would be great, Don`t forget Imortal Engines and the cyber old ones.
@Geoff Maybury I do like the bloky near future design, I've some from these from the Human interface: Be a better human boardgame
(best picture of them I could find), monopose of course.
I like the robot troopers from "Robocop (2014)" and from "Monsters of man"... not the movies... bad trash... or the robot-guards from "Valerian..." Keytron???
I am a big fan of the robot idea.
For some cool robot vs. robot action from Outside the Wire....
Mannequin like Robots/Synths like in Fallout 4 would be neat too.

I think a cool opportunity for a robot sprue would be to kitbash them with an existing sprue to create cyborgs. I think I saw some cyborg parts on the female Cannon Fodder; if that's a popular option then something like this could make for a tempting up-sell. I could see parts working well with a hypothetical power armour kit too; you could reimagine the power armour as a heaier chassis for the robots, and attach some spare heads and arms from the robot sprue.
Would LOVE a robot kit.
Saleswise it may be a good idea to offer kit options to cover the Necron/Terminator look, though. Make the default guns a bit Necronish, have a skull head option. Keep the chest and torso blocky rather than skeletal, but maybe have add-on chestplates with various looks.
@William Redford I would love Death Fields Robots that could also be a fantasy kit for humanoid constructs/warforged.
Always loved warforged and the minis on the market are so inadequate
I'd also like a robot kit. I'm a big fan of Anvil Industry's Automata, but they're currently resin-only and a bit pricey because of that. It'd be great if WA partnered with Anvil (like they have with Reptilian Overlord) to make plastic Automata kits.
@John Wilson Mate, how do these scale with Shadowrun, I thought wrongly they where Anvil, but I`m told no and they are waay to big to use with Ral-Partha, was going to treat myself but no use if to big. Please PM me if Nes/
@Geoff Maybury Oh, is this what the messages were about?
Yeah, they are from the Human Interface (HINT): Be a better human box and these are pretty much 28mm (as are most of the figures). So they are going to be fairly large alongside 25mm figures.
@Geoff Maybury For 25mm I'd suggest Ground Zero Games Remote, Drones and Bots (part of the 15mm Stargrunt range) https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/15mm-stargrunt/vehicles/remotes-drones-and-bot-s.html#4 some of the are very large for 15mm and most are useful.
Mecha may be useful as well https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/15mm-stargrunt/vehicles/mecha.html
Civilian Mecha would make good powerloaders and construction rigs https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/15mm-stargrunt/vehicles/mecha-civilian.html
There is also the Cyclops suit which is nominally 15mm but makes a good 25mm (says 2.8cm) robot/powered armour suit https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/15mm-stargrunt/vehicles/small-combat-vehicles-bikes-etc/v15-79a.html
Also the Mantis UAV https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/15mm-stargrunt/vehicles/vtol-and-flying-vehicles/v15-48b.html
There is also there 25mm Stargrunt, Street Level and Characters and Misc, which include 25mm robots (which I had forgot about until now) https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/25mm-characters-misc/robots.html
Unfortunately no pictures of the robots, which is a recurring problem with the 25mm ranges (lack of photos).