@JTam Yeah, no... despite what you think, the two part body thing is not going to do either of those that well really, particularly in "historical scale" proportions and here is why:
A lot of cavalry in history wear shirts, armor, coats, robes, etc. that go down over the rider’s pants legs. So using say a Persian cav figure legs with say a an open jacketed torso from the any of the of the conflicts of the musket age is just going to look odd in bad way, and things with armored legs or skirted legs and no breastplate are just “what (insert expletive) were you thinking?” kitbashes and that’s pretty much true for most of the other potential combos out there.
Now you might have some counter argument in the case of “generic pants and boot legs” if it were not for point 2&3.
I keep telling you all this and you all don't seem to get it or listen, but women warriors on average would have different proportions from their male counterparts (we are talking warriors, not body builders here, know the difference). Meaning in historical scale, female torsos on male legs would look off normally unless you do actually do work anyways, and well likely still look off at least a little. Heroic scale may be a different story and armor might hide or fudge it (though to be honest that does defeat some of the point of females in armor), but overall it’s not going to fly particularly with a generic set of legs which would likely only really work for males.
(The torso attachments would probably not even fit right unless the females in question are all big boned, and I don’t know about you but I don’t want to see anymore that bad compromise in plastic).
Its actually just smarter overall to make the beasties compatible with regular horse riders in the first place because what people really want to do is take rider X and put them on the monstrous mount, NOT rider X’s upper torso and some random lower half on the monstrous mount cause that lower half is all that fits with said mount. That is just bad design and going to look tacky, not to mention be a pain to cover up paintjob wise (you and the others need stop thinking this an IG set by GW we are talking about for at least 10 seconds).
The real reason to have a 2 part bodies (for riders at least) is posing not conversion.