@Hudson Adams Your quality as usual is brilliant, have you any idea of prices for those of us who do not wish to print, to purchase these models or figures Say I wanted the Necromancer for instance.
No idea yet - working on it with 3rd party services now.
I have to say it about the Necomancer...
"Hey buddy, my eyes are down THERE!"
Great to see you looking at interesting ways to bring 3d printing into your offerings.
It will be great to see this supplement your existing ranges, and sure the sci-fi and fantasy gamers will love the idea of extra conversion and kit bashing pieces alongside new figures.
Tons of opportunity for your historical kits too, seems a great fit with the army builder model, I've got more Prussian reserves than I can shake a stick at and while I got alternative command figures I'd love some in your sculpting style as an example. Simila maybe it could eventually tweak sprue new sprue layouts by either condensing them or removing repetitive figures (looking at my many many WWI French officers 😆)
I can only see this working out well, being the first plastic manufacturer to go this route will have many lessons and challenges but I'm sure it will work out and be rewarding in the long term!
I would definitely buy pre-printed models, especially extra bodies, arms and head variants for existing ranges. Having them specifically designed to mesh with the plastic ranges will be a god-send to kitbashers like me!
The Cavalry looks legit. Thanks for the female figure.
Please don't forget the bestest Napoleonic cavalry headgear - the Busby.
One rumour solved - the figure in the middle here looks like the 3D-printable Grognard cavalryman above:
The new necromancer's figure is really intriguing, except for the high heels, perhaps a too little useless and dangerous in a fight. This figure could be inserted in various fantasy armies, expecially the "darker" ones.
I hope the 3D prints/STLs stay mainly in conversion parts and characters territory.
Less so on the "units" side.
The cavalry miniatures for instance are neat. But honestly there are dozens of cool sci-fi cavalry STLs floating out there. What is rarer than hen's teeth are plastic box sets of sci-fi cavalry.
If this STL means there will never be plastic Grognard cavalry that's depressing. If the STL is conversion parts for the Grognard cavalry than that is pretty cool.
@JTam both As you can see in the Necromancer images we're going to provide people with both the individual parts along with posed figures (and with or without puddle bases for Classic Fantasy and historical (Death Fields sets don't have puddle bases). Releases will include full sets, conversion sets, random extra parts, character figures, terrain, and vehicles and will grow from there.
And just because something appears in STL/3D print format doesn't mean it will never be in plastic. And in some cases the response to different releases will determine if they are suitable for a plastic launch.
@Hudson Adams I was wondering if you'd also supply just the individual parts as well as fully-modelled figures, to make additional options for converting the existing plastics - good to hear that will be the case.
@Hudson Adams
Some Panzer Lehr Panzerschrecks and more helmeted heads would be welcome.
@Caratacus the options will be pretty incredible actually. A single figure might have 3-6 arm options, 2-3 head options, and then once you do the posed figures and incorporate puddle or no puddle you're talking LOTS of figures/files.
@Hudson Adams that Irish warlord looks really nice. Good to know that there will be that much variation.
@Vitor Soares you've seen about 1% of what will be released so far. 😜
@Hudson Adams good to know, the market is severely lacking in historical 25 mm figures, I am glad you are going in and exploring that niche. 😊
@Hudson Adams Glad to see Blood Oaths is finally getting something new - any plans for any other late Dark Ages plastic kits you can tease us about?
@Vitor Soares if you want them 25mm you could always scale them down! ;-)
@Caratacus not yet ready to tease anything there but we'll be doing a few things on Atlantic Digital for Blood Oaths that should make people happy.
@Hudson Adams as I have commented on Facebook, that Dux sculpt looks amazing.
@Hudson Adams Two things from my perspective, bearing in mind I am not an STL customer as I do not intend to get into 3d printing anytime soon.
1) While I think it will be financially good for WGA to get into selling STL’s it is going to muddy up the marketing aspect of the teaser photos unless you can find a way to visibly differentiate a physical model teaser and an STL teaser. I noticed this when I was excited to see the teaser of the various plants but then it dawned on me that they might just be STL’s. The sense of disappointment when folks find out something they thought was going to be available will not actually be a product for them is counterproductive.
2) The weapon sizes on your fantasy STL’s so far have been problematic whereas your historical ones look pretty good. I would suggest having your artists consider reducing the size of the fantasy weapons while still retaining fantasy design aesthetics or offer a historical weapon as part of the fantasy model options.
I hope that WGA can use the STL sales to gauge interest for potential future physical plastic kits.
@Hudson Adams Hi, I toatlly support the comment of GG above and whilst I do back and support your venture into printing. I have far more reservations than GG. Not wishing to dwell on negative though, all I hope is that the exact items available to print for those who wish, and their components are available at a resonable price (every one must make a profit) for those who can`t print.
Remember you are well priced over here on this side of the pond , printing is not. I have fallen for those cute little Quar things, very pricey however here in metal. These would be great if some were printed and available over here. You have a lot to work out, when you get into working practices with other traders you can`t always set prices,Spacenam are more expensive than yours, Grey for Now? game was very well priced. I look forward to seeing the new Quar Game and it`s price.
Don`t lose your well decerved rep by someone elses product. Good luck in all your ventures your company trully is for the modelers.
It may be worth noting there's a big difference between something like Spacenam, where the parent company owns the IP and trademarks, and a historical venture like 02 Hundred where no IP is involved (although sculpting costs might still be borne by the other partner). No one has to license German uniforms and weapons, and you can't trademark Wehrmacht or Heer.
@Grumpy Gnome 1. yes of course 2. there are lots of weapon options for them but Sor Paddock didn't become the Orcleaver by chance!
@Geoff - the Quar are going to be a hard plastic sets in both a game and separately like our other sets. There has been no determination on pricing and we had nothing to do with the 02 Hundred game or pricing.
Here's a new preview!
Here's an example of a group of parts designed to work with an existing plastic set - in this case a modernization set for our Afghan Warriors. You'll see lots of things like this that will give you more options for the plastic sets. And, remember, just because it appears within Atlantic Digital doesn't mean it won't also be tooled for hard plastic.
I'm really, really glad that you're making 3D stuff available via third party print services. Excellent move, much appreciated.
@Hudson Adams Very pleased to see that, it will make the Quar a very sweet incentive to buy, .You`ll note I said Grey for Nows game was well priced, they really produced with your help in figures, a trerific game, and then set the price very well. If future ventures keep prices reasonable, I think you and any partners will do great. As i said you`re a company with a great rep with Grey for now you both win big time.
@Hudson Adams That brings the Afghans nicely into the 20th century without a doubt. Bring on those "Opperators".
@Hudson Adams although I to haven't got into 3D printing at home I appreciate that this lets you produce some excellent line additions. As long as you have reputable third-party 3D printers in different countries to partner with I'll happily buy parts from them. I actually support A.N.Other figure manufacturer via their Patreon monthly; although the stls are useless to me I know this helps them develop and improve their range... which ultimately gives me more lovely models and part choices in the long run 🤩
@Bill Thomas now you can get these printed and delivered to you too!
@Hudson Adams on it 😍
@Hudson Adams will the Irish Chieftain be available through your 3d printed service? Preferably multi part that would be fantastic! Thanks
Really like the Halfling and Irish characters!
Keep ''em coming!