My version of a trooper carrier

  • Greetings,


    I’m Pat and I’ve been collected and painting figurines since 1987.  I’ve started with GW stuff (first with their plastic Rogue Trader Space Marines ) and to basically a lot of their models.


    I’ve collected miniatures from other companies, even the marines from Defiance Games a while back.  I fell in love with the Eisenkern troopers and was sorry to see the run come to an end (after buying a lot from their range).  I’m not a player, IO just like to collect and paint.


    For many years I’ve designed my own paper models on stuff I wanted to see made and in my own way, with a bit more realistic proportions, stepping away from Grim Dark and more into future realistic.  Designing and then printing was fun, but was a chore, was the cutting….  So a couple of years ago, my wife offered me a CAMEO 4 (a paper cutting machine)!!!!   Now that was fun (ok very steep learning curve) but it’s a lot easier now to cut what I design J


    With the kick-starter that did not get funding of Mark Eisenkenr Stug (dam shame, I pledged for 3 of them) I decided to ‘’build’’ a ride for a squad of 6.  I always work from many prototypes as you never know how it will really look once cut and assembled.


    So here is the first version of my APC:


    This is the second version (bigger and wider):


    Now, since the proportions seem ok, I’ve decided to try and do the insides…. (3 versions later and the troop space was too small) it ended up like this:


    Now, for the seats…..    5 versions later, I’m happy with how it ended up:




    So that’s it for now, I’ll try a complete build from A to Z

    NOTE:  I’m using cardboards that you can buy at a dollar store, the poster that are like 22in by 36 in.  I cut them up into Letter format and Bobs your uncle.


  • @Patrick Salvail 

    Outstanding work.  

    Looks a bit like a Puma... Which makes sense.

  • Looks good... I like your work... ๐Ÿ‘

    A modern build-from-scratch-version of Marks Hover-STUG III... that he never realized...

    I would like to see more... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


    Finished the build and added 2 coats of clear varnish.  Next step red primer to see any defects and then what colour scheme i'll be using.


  • Patrick Jauna,

    What you do - with simple cardboard ! - is absolutely amazing. It's quite magical : "du grand art"...

  • @Patrick Salvail You took card and turned it into a master piece of a tank brilliant.


    One coat of primer completed and now the big question: what pattern and colour scheme to paint it?



    Thank you all for the positive feed back, much appreciated.

    Merci beaucoup pour le soutien.



  • The belly detailing is hardcore!  It looks great.

    For camouflage?

    How about a Swedish style splinterflage?

    Or maybe a WW2 "Ambush" scheme?

    As superbly demonstrated on Vissly Cao's mechs:

  • I like that... your work with cardboard ist unbelievable... nothing what I can do... great... ๐Ÿ‘


    I brefere actual digital camo... like US or china... i've testet thouse stencils but that had not worked for me... the paint was to thick and clued together... airbrush should work...

    German WWII late ambush camo was good... or NATO-camo like the marder...


  • I've done the first coat of green for the camo and will pictures later.

    As for the schem, it's from a late WWII german and it's hard lined demarcation between colours.


  • @Patrick Salvail outstanding work!

    An inspiration to us all.

  • Finished with the green coat and was hoping to do the brown tonight.... but after applying the masking tape I was not too happy with it (was not really sticking that well) so I decided to not temp fate.

    Here is what it looks like after the green (some areas are still red primer as other colours will be going over those areas):

  • Brown cam completed and tomorrow evening should be able to add the dark yellow.

    Then a lot of touching up before weathering.



  • Not bad... ๐Ÿ‘ ... looks good...

    Weathering now?... no black or yellow colorstripes für that camo? 

    I am exited... 

  • Here you go:

    Tomorrow i'll be fixing the overspray and adding the details (periscopes, lights, gun barrels and a coat of varnish before weathering).  

    Let's hope there is not much work to done done on the crew compartment once i remove the tape.



  • Slowly getting there, some more touch ups before weathering, but here you go:


  • Good paintjob... 

  • An icredible job, for your next project, if employed in an urban war scenario, can I suggest the old (very hard sci-fi) Berlin Brigade camo scheme ?


  • I did think about using the Berlin Infantry Brigade pattern. :-).  I'll keep that scheme for next model.

    Here are the last picts of my carrier and really happy on how it turned out.


  • @Patrick Salvail 

    Really, really impressive!  Well done.  

    @Alessio De Carolis 

    Good link.

  • This tank is well thought out, refined and very effective. Franchement, je suis vraiment admiratif...

    Your work is of exceptional quality, and it's also recycling : 100% good for the planet ! I really like your approach, Patrick.

    When I was a kid, I had a friend who made 14-18 airplanes out of balsa. Once painted, they were awesome. Que du bon, ami du Canada... C'est génial !

  • So, I gotta ask... Do you have a template for it? That is really awesome work. I've messed with cardboard vehicles before myself, but never to that degree. TRuly inspirational.


  • it's a 4 page template:  i use microsoft visio to design my  vehicle and then i import in cutting software for my cameo 4 and cut and glue together




  • Do you have download/sale links available? This thing looks absolutely amazing! I'd love to cut one out on my Cricut.

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