The Valkir Are Coming

  • @Hudson Adams Hi! I just see the Valkir sprue, and thats fantastic. I also see that there is just one sword, so the guy with the sword its a kind of Oficial, not a Valkir support unit. Does it mean that "more valkir" means could have support a heavy ones in the future?

  • Likely in the same box, but who know.

  • each sprue looks to have:
    3 standard rifles
    2 antimaterial rifles
    1 flamer
    1 grenade launcher
    1 sword
    1 pistol

    which means for a 4 sprue, 12 figure box, you could build some combination of up to the following:
    12 Standard riflemen
    8 Antimaterial riflemen
    4 flamer men
    4 grenade launcher men
    4 melee men

    honestly, not too bad a mix.

    i could see a follow on box with the other heavy weapons, and the sword+shield option. perhaps with the swords+shields as three to a sprue plus one each fo the heavy weapons.


    alternately, and this is the route i'd take.. put out a sprue of just sword, pistol, and shield arms as an upgrade sprue (which should easily allow for 6 of each minimum?), then do the support box with just the heavy weapons. this means if you want to make your dedicated melee force you just need one box of the troopers, and an upgrade sprue to suppliment the options from the box.

  • Dreamforge Games posted T1 sprue shots on Facebook

  • @Andreas Mayrhofer exactly! But there is no shielda and the helmets are not the Assault ones. So, we can expect a box with Assault Valkir and for me much needed Heavy support?

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