I purchsed the 5 box deal. Pictured below is 3 boxes. There is also a 3D printed Ogre captain and 2 GW ogor cat-beast riders.
So Far:
* Ogre Captain with bodyguard
* 2 Catbeast riders
* 1 Unit (3 man) hand gunners
* 1 unit (3 man) pistoliers
* 2 units (9 man) halberdiers
May add my halflings to this army. Still contemplating.
I have 2 more Ogre boxes. Will probably do 3 more 3 man hand gunners and then save the last box to see if March digital has any female bits. Also have 2 more Cat-beasts...

Quite the force.
Any chance you could take some size comparison pic with any other WGA, Games Workshop, or Perry miniatures you have handy?
Thank You!
@JTam I posted these last week. I can take some more pics tomorrow. I have GW Dark elves, Nemarti, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Firstborn Marines, Chaos (warhammer and 40K) and Slaanesh AoS. Did you have any in mind you wanted to see next to a WA Ogre?

@JTam I also have Escher, If you were thinking of using these in Necromunda.
A Halfling/ Ogre alliance sounds unstoppable. You got the slingers at range and the brutes upfront. Love it!
@Red Bee and in an emergency, the Ogres can fling the... 'flings.
@William Redford
Great pics.
Mostly interested in the WGA Ogres scaled against WGA and GW human Infantry.
I guess you could just run the Halflings as whatever those little Gobbo things are that hang out with GW's Ogres.
Ok, Here is an Ogre with a dark elf executioner, a GW greatsword, a WA halfling, a WA conquistador, an Othmark soldier with WA conquistador head and gun, and a malifaux lady used as a dark elf samurai in a pathfinder game.

@William Redford
Thank You.
The WGA Ogre was looking a little weedy compared to some of the other brand's Ogres.
But they look suitably intimidating compared to human Infantry.
@William Redford "Oh What a Lovely War" Wow what a magnifficant army. Thats going to be an amazing force on the table I love them Bill.