Saw this. Lots of stuff, Ogres, dwarves, desert elves, desert humans, Halflings, Orcs, Gnolls, etc... But posting here as there are some interesting Halfling units that would go with WA Conquistadors, Halflings and Ogres...
This is adorable:
But is there no Halfling archers? WTF?
@JTam there are. The batalion level comes with them. I think they were released in a previous campaign.
@William Redford "Itchy feet Bill, fancy some Halflings, they are right up your street though very Nice". I`ve got a new way to type, with Dinky sitting on my arm , bloody slows down my speed and vision, but haven`t the heart to shoe her off. She`s becomming an even more clingy dadies girl, age, who knows but shes fussing us all, but after me Narla in particular. All the best my friend take care Love Geoff.
@Geoff Maybury yeah, I miss my Bella and Bimo. Zoey is an old gal and definitely much more clingy in her old age (pug 16).
@William Redford They give us so much, but sadly are with us for so little, can`t live without them though. All the best my friend. Geoff.
@Geoff Maybury @William Redford