forum username: jacob driver title: duel desription: from onna bushiset
forum username: jacob driver title: duel desription: from onna bushiset
forum username: jacob driver title: pharoah descrption: from the pharoah set
forum username: jacob driver title: assasin description: from fantasy cultist set
forum username: jacob driver title: sacrifice description: parts fom the fantasy cultists set
forum username: jacob driver title: transendence description: model from the valkyrie set
@Mithril2098 yeah not cadian was kinda what I was going for since these are going to be used alongside actual cadians, they're also there because I'm using les grognards special weapon arms because...
it's rough but gets my general idea across, just a gasmask and shoulder pads. i'm pretty happy with the concept
forum name- Jacob driver Title of entry- Marshal Dansk description- a kitbash using grognard sergeant, cavalry and infatry kits. Marshal Dansk started life in the death fields as a co...