Allan, As a fellow Canadian, I understand your choice, and I support it. Good for you. I do question the need to trumpet it to the world - Especially in this forum. You have not targeted Wargames...
Allan, As a fellow Canadian, I understand your choice, and I support it. Good for you. I do question the need to trumpet it to the world - Especially in this forum. You have not targeted Wargames...
You have some nice eye-axes, and some gawdawful spear-length eye axes, and a total lack of mace-axes, or normal maces. Fix the weapons and release them tomorrow!
@Cole Lassell I'd like a plastic A7V, but which one? They were handmade, and each one was different: Different panel lines, different door details, different all over.
@Christopher Tyrer Interesting photo: They are not in the UK, as they are wearing respirators. The IWM says it's 1918, so Western Front is most likely. NOTE: They are wearing neither jackboots nor ...
@david phillips You're thinking of Einherjar. Raumjager are based on WW2 German Paratroopers.
@JTam I do not want to be the cavalryman digging a foxhole for himself and his horse with THAT shovel.